

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Diets for arthritis

Diets for arthritis

There are two basic categories that can be used to classify diets for arthritis. The first focuses on what foods you should avoid with the objective of maintaining episodes of arthritis at bay. The second focuses on the dietary guidelines that are supposed to relieve arthritis pain by the nutrients found in these foods. In this post, we'll examine the two types of diets for arthritis so that patients can choose foods that are best for them.

Foods to avoid if you suffer from arthritis. The exact foods to avoid when you have arthritis depend ultimately on the exact type of arthritis you have. There are over 100 known variants of arthritis each caused by different factors. It is therefore important to understand the underlying mechanism for your condition by taking the time to visit your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

Once you are sure of the type of arthritis at work, you can kiss diets for arthritis that focus on prevention. Among the foods that doctors strongly recommend arthritis patients avoid include red meat with a high purine content, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, grapefruit and mandarin, vegetables that are considered part of the nightshade family, including potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant and drinks that are high in caffeine and sugar.

In theory, the active ingredients in many of these foods promote inflammation that can trigger an attack of arthritis. A particularly compelling example can be found with gout and wheat whose high uric acid content of wheat finally crystallizes and deposits in joints triggering very painful episodes of arthritis pain. These diets for arthritis center mainly on the prevention of inflammation and then there is no exhaustive lists that identify conclusively that may cause pain for all patients, there are quite a few food sources that generated the universal contempt for most individuals.

Foods to eat when you have arthritis. On the other hand, many schemes for arthritis focus on the promotion of foods that have proven anti-inflammatory qualities. These sources of foods contain substances that have been identified as capable of neutralizing the effect of inflammation in the body thereby reducing the number of attacks and the severity of the pain.

Examples of foods that are featured in many diets for arthritis are those that have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, herring, sardines, nuts and soya oil extra virgin olive which contains many essential and healthy oils, foods with high vitamin C content other than citrus and that includes cauliflower and broccoli, cherries, and green tea.

Each of these foods are known to contain substances that fight the inflammatory symptoms, helping to manage the attacks of arthritis. Green tea, for example, is rich in a substance known as epigallocathechin-3-gallate name that has detoxifying qualities that inflammatory chemicals and drain the blood. Drinking green tea regularly until 3 or 4 cups a day can significantly help patients win the war on arthritis pain.

Diets for arthritis are not fully understood in the way that they prevent or launch attacks of arthritis, but significant progress has been made to suggest that diet plays a role in many cases of arthritis. By paying attention to what foods you should avoid and foods that a patient should be added to their diet, the frequency and severity of arthritis can be improved. This is a good thing because every person with arthritis knows that even the smallest amount of pain can go a long way towards easing their suffering from a disease which currently has a cure.

If you want to know more about diets for arthritis sure and visit our website that has a huge amount of information ....

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