

Thursday 28 March 2013

Common Vitamins and Supplements to Treat Arthritis


Supplement Guide: Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables
A natural vegetable extract made from avocado and soybean oils

Supplement Guide: Black Currant Oil
Black currant seed oil is obtained from seeds of the black currant

Supplement Guide: Borage Oil
Oil from the seeds of the borage plant

Supplement Guide: Boswellia
See Indian Frankincense

Supplement Guide: Bromelain
Group of enzymes found in pineapple that break down protein.

Supplement Guide: Cat's Claw
Dried root bark of a woody vine that grows in the Amazon rain forests

Supplement Guide: Chondroitin Sulfate
A component of human connective tissues found in cartilage and bone

Supplement Guide: Curcumin
See Turmeric

Supplement Guide: Devil's Claw
A traditional herb used in South Africa

Supplement Guide: DHEA
An androgen steroid hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands

Supplement Guide: DMSO
A colorless, sulfur-containing organic by-product of wood pulp processing

Supplement Guide: Evening Primrose
The seeds of a wildflower, containing gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Supplement Guide: Fish Oil
Oil from cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut and cod

Supplement Guide: Flaxseed
Seed of the flax plant, containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Supplement Guide: Ginger
The dried or fresh root of the ginger plant

Supplement Guide: Ginkgo
Leaf of the ginkgo biloba tree, native to East Asia

Supplement Guide: GLA
Omega-6 fatty acid in evening primrose, black currant and borage oils

Supplement Guide: Glucosamine
Major component of joint cartilage; derived from the shells of shellfish

Supplement Guide: Indian Frankincense
Gum resin from the bark of the Boswellia tree found in India

Supplement Guide: Melatonin
A hormone produced by the pineal gland

Supplement Guide: MSM
Organic sulfur compound found naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.

Supplement Guide: Sam-e
A naturally occurring chemical in the body

Supplement Guide: St. John's Wort
The St. John’s wort plant is native to Europe and grows wild in the U.S.

Supplement Guide: Stinging Nettle
A stalk-like plant found in the U.S., Canada and Europe

Supplement Guide: Thunder God Vine
Root of a vine-like plant from Asia

Supplement Guide: Turmeric
A yellow powder ground from the roots of the lily-like turmeric plant

Supplement Guide: Valerian
The dried root of the perennial herb valerian

Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage normally protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also absorbs shock when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling (inflammation), and stiffness.
Joint inflammation may result from:
An autoimmune disease (the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue)
Broken bone
General "wear and tear" on joints
Infection, usually by bacteria or virus
Usually the joint inflammation goes away after the cause goes away or is treated. Sometimes it does not. When this happens, you have chronic arthritis. Arthritis may occur in men or women. Osteoarthritis is the most common type. See: Osteoarthritis
Other, more common types of arthritis include:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Gonococcal arthritis
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (in children)
Other bacterial infections (nongonococcal bacterial arthritis)
Psoriatic arthritis
Reactive arthritis (Reiter syndrome)
Rheumatoid arthritis (in adults)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Back to TopSymptoms
Arthritis causes joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement. Symptoms can include:
Joint pain
Joint swelling
Reduced ability to move the joint
Redness of the skin around a joint
Stiffness, especially in the morning
Warmth around a joint
Back to TopExams and Tests
The health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history.
The physical exam may show:
Fluid around a joint
Warm, red, tender joints
Difficulty moving a joint (called "limited range of motion")
Some types of arthritis may cause joint deformity. This may be a sign of severe, untreated rheumatoid arthritis.
Blood tests and joint x-rays are often done to check for infection and other causes of arthritis.
Your doctor may also remove a sample of joint fluid with a needle and send it to a lab for examination.
Back to TopTreatment
The goal of treatment is to reduce pain, improve function, and prevent further joint damage. The underlying cause cannot usually be cured.
Lifestyle changes are the preferred treatment for osteoarthritis and other types of joint inflammation. Exercise can help relieve stiffness, reduce pain and fatigue, and improve muscle and bone strength. Your health care team can help you design an exercise program that is best for you.
Exercise programs may include:
Low-impact aerobic activity (also called endurance exercise)
Range of motion exercises for flexibility
Strength training for muscle tone
Physical therapy may be recommended. This might include:
Heat or ice
Splints or orthotics to support joints and help improve their position; this is often needed for rheumatoid arthritis
Water therapy
Other recommendations:
Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night and taking naps during the day can help you recover from a flare-up more quickly and may even help prevent flare ups.
Avoid staying in one position for too long.
Avoid positions or movements that place extra stress on your sore joints.
Change your home to make activities easier. For example, install grab bars in the shower, the tub, and near the toilet.
Try stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi.
Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, which contain important vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E.
Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, and herring), flaxseed, rapeseed (canola) oil, soybeans, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
Apply capsaicin cream over your painful joints. You may feel improvement after applying the cream for 3-7 days.
Lose weight, if you are overweight. Weight loss can greatly improve joint pain in the legs and feet.
Medications may be prescribed along with lifestyle changes. All medications have risks, some more than others. It is important that you are closely monitored by a doctor when taking arthritis medications.
Generally, over-the-counter medications are recommended first:
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is usually tried first. Take up to 4 grams a day (two arthritis-strength Tylenol every 8 hours). Do not take more than the recommended dose or take the drug along with a lot of alcohol. Doing so may damage your your liver.
Aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that can relieve arthritis pain. However, they have many potential risks, especially if used for a long time. Potential side effects include heart attack, stroke, stomach ulcers, bleeding from the digestive tract, and kidney damage.
Prescription medicines include:
Biologics are used for the treatment of autoimmune arthritis. They include etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira), abatacept (Orencia), rituximab (Rituxan), golimumab (Simponi), certolizumab (Cimzia), and tocilizumab (Actemra). These drugs can improve the quality of life for many patients, but can have serious side effects.
Corticosteroids ("steroids") help reduce inflammation. They may be injected into painful joints or given by mouth.
Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used to treat autoimmune arthritis. They include methotrexate, gold salts, penicillamine, sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine.
Immunosuppressants such as azathioprine or cyclophosphamide are used to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis when other medications have not worked.
It is very important to take your medications as directed by your doctor. If you are having difficulty doing so (for example, because of side effects), you should talk to your doctor. Also make sure your doctor knows about all the medicines you are taking, including vitamins and supplements bought without a prescription.
In some cases, surgery may be done if other treatments have not worked. This may include:
Arthroplasty to rebuild the joint
Joint replacement, such as a total knee joint replacement
Back to TopOutlook (Prognosis)
A few arthritis-related disorders can be completely cured with proper treatment.
Most forms of arthritis however are long-term (chronic) conditions.
Back to TopPossible Complications
Complications of arthritis include:
Long-term (chronic) pain
Difficulty performing daily activities
Back to TopWhen to Contact a Medical Professional
Call your doctor if:
Your joint pain persists beyond 3 days.
You have severe unexplained joint pain.
The affected joint is significantly swollen.
You have a hard time moving the joint.
Your skin around the joint is red or hot to the touch.
You have a fever or have lost weight unintentionally.
Back to TopPrevention
Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent joint damage. If you have a family history of arthritis, tell your doctor, even if you do not have joint pain.
Avoiding excessive, repeated motions may help protect you against osteoarthritis.
Back to TopReferences
D'Cruz DP, Khamashta MA, Hughes GR. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet . 2007;369(9561):587-96.
Hunter DJ, Lo GH. The management of osteoarthritis: an overview and call to appropriate conservative treatment. Med Clin North Am . 2009;93:127-43, xi.
Huizinga TW, Pincus T. In the clinic. Rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Jul 6;153(1):ITC1-1-ITC1-15.
News & Features Reporter's File Expert Q & A Questions for Your Doctor Clinical Trials
Review Date: 2/2/2012
Reviewed By: Ariel D. Teitel, MD, MBA, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

A.D.A.M., Inc. is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's accreditation program is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M. follows rigorous standards of quality and accountability. A.D.A.M. is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online health information and services. Learn more about A.D.A.M.'s editorial policy, editorial process and privacy policy. A.D.A.M. is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and subscribes to the principles of the Health on the Net Foundation (

arthritis symptoms

Pain and progressive stiffness without noticeable swelling, chills, or fever during normal activities probably indicates the gradual onset of osteoarthritis.

WorthRheumatoid arthritis is a serious autoimmune disease that attacks the joints and other body parts.
But RA can be tough to diagnose. Symptoms can mimic other illnesses, or they may flare, then fade, only to flare again somewhere else. Lab tests aren’t perfect—you can test negative for RA factors and still have it. And X-rays don’t show signs until later on.

Here are some tricky rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and hints that they’re due to RA and not some other condition.

Painful swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs, and wrists occurring in the same joints on both sides of the body, especially upon awakening, may be signs of rheumatoid arthritis.

ra-symptoms-doctorUnderstanding Arthritis
Find out more about arthritis:
Diagnosis and Treatment
Fever, joint inflammation, tenderness, and sharp pain, sometimes accompanied by chills and associated with an injury or another illness, may indicate infectious arthritis.

In children, intermittent fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia, or blotchy rash on the arms and legs, may signal the onset of some types of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Other forms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are associated with joint stiffness, a limp, or joint swelling.

Call Your Doctor About Arthritis If:

The pain and stiffness come on quickly, whether from an injury or an unknown cause.
The pain is accompanied by fever; you may have infectious arthritis.
The pain develops quickly and is associated with redness and extreme tenderness of the joint; this may be the onset of gout.
You notice pain and stiffness in your arms, legs, or back after sitting for short periods or after a night's sleep; you may be developing osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or another arthritic condition.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) facts

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) facts

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that affects the joints. It causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. If one knee or hand has rheumatoid arthritis, usually the other does too. This disease often occurs in more than one joint and can affect any joint in the body. People with this disease may feel sick and tired, and they sometimes get fevers.

Some people have this disease for only a few months or a year or two. Then it goes away without causing damage. Other people have times when the symptoms get worse (flares), and times when they get better (remissions). Others have a severe form of the disease that can last for many years or a lifetime. This form of the disease can cause serious joint damage.

Who Gets Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause chronic inflammation of the joints and other areas of the body.
Rheumatoid arthritis can affect people of all ages.
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, characterized by periods of disease flares and remissions.
In rheumatoid arthritis, multiple joints are usually, but not always, affected in a symmetrical pattern.
Chronic inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis can cause permanent joint destruction and deformity.
Damage to joints can occur early and does not correlate with the severity of symptoms.
The "rheumatoid factor" is an antibody that can be found in the blood of 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis.
There is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis optimally involves a combination of patient education, rest and exercise, joint protection, medications, and occasionally surgery.
Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis results in better outcomes.

What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that affects the joints. It causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. If one knee or hand has rheumatoid arthritis,Disorder that is believed to result from an "autoimmune" process in which the body's immune system attacks itself

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. While inflammation of the tissue around the joints and inflammatory arthritis are characteristic features of rheumatoid arthritis, the disease can also cause inflammation and injury in other organs in the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system. The immune system contains a complex organization of cells and antibodies designed normally to "seek and destroy" invaders of the body, particularly infections. Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues, where they can be associated with inflammation. Because it can affect multiple other organs of the body, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease.

While rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic illness, meaning it can last for years, patients may experience long periods without symptoms. However, rheumatoid arthritis is typically a progressive illness that has the potential to cause joint destruction and functional disability.

A joint is where two bones meet to allow movement of body parts. Arthritis means joint inflammation. The joint inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness in the joints. The inflammation of rheumatoid disease can also occur in tissues around the joints, such as the tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

In some people with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation leads to the destruction of the cartilage, bone, and ligaments, causing deformity of the joints. Damage to the joints can occur early in the disease and be progressive. Moreover, studies have shown that the progressive damage to the joints does not necessarily correlate with the degree of pain, stiffness, or swelling present in the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common rheumatic disease, affecting approximately 1.3 million people in the United States, according to current census data. The disease is three times more common in women as in men. It afflicts people of all races equally. The disease can begin at any age and even affects children (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis), but it most often starts after 40 years of age and before 60 years of age. In some families, multiple members can be affected, suggesting a genetic basis for the disorder.

Treatments for Arthritis Hip and Knee Pain

Treatments for Arthritis Hip and Knee Pain

Arthritis literally means "inflammation of the joints". There are more than 100 distinct forms of rheumatic or clinical conditions considered as arthritis, making it difficult to diagnose and treat this complex disorder. Arthritis is not fatal but can affect any one from any age group. Age, anatomy and degeneration of joints are some of the reasons that cause arthritis. Pain, swelling and immobility are common manifestations of arthritis. Statistics indicate that every one in three Americans suffer from chronic joint pains or arthritis.
When it comes to treating osteoarthritis in your knees and hips, you may have more options than you realize. In February 2008, the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting osteoarthritis research and treatment, published its first evidence-based recommendations for treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. The goal was to eliminate inconsistent treatment approaches by creating simple guidelines that would enable health care providers to determine which therapies would be most useful for an individual patient.

The committee took the scientifically proven commonalities it found in the international literature, evaluated the level of scientific evidence, proposed a strength of recommendation for each modality, and then condensed them into a comprehensive “playbook” of 25 treatment recommendations. The first of the 25 recommendations is to combine drug and non-drug treatments for optimal results. The remaining 24 fall into three categories: non-drug, drug and surgical. Following are the 25 recommendations with updates and links to further reading by Arthritis Today.

1. Drug and non-drug treatments. The optimal osteoarthritis (OA) treatment program should consist of both medications and non-drug treatments.

Non-drug treatments

2. Education and self-management. The initial focus of treatment should be on what patients can do for themselves, rather than on passive therapies delivered by a health professional.  Learn about the Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program.

3. Regular telephone contact.  The best evidence for the benefit of phone contact came from a study of 439 OA patients in which monthly phone calls from lay personnel promoting self-care were associated with improvements in joint pain and physical function for up to a year.

4. Physical therapy. Studies consistently support the usefulness of an evaluation by a physical therapist and instruction in appropriate exercise to reduce pain and improve function. Physical therapists can also provide assistive devices to make daily tasks easier.

5. Aerobic, muscle-strengthening and water-based exercises. A rounded exercise program can promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain. Read this Arthritis Today articles on fitness and exercise.

 6. Weight loss. Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. Arthritis Today’s special weight-loss guide.

7. Walking aids. Canes and crutches can reduce pain in hip and knee or OA. If both hips and/or knees are affected wheeled walkers may be preferable.

8. Footwear and insoles. If osteoarthritis affects the knee, special footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking.

9. Knee braces. For osteoarthritis with associated knee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling.

10. Heat and cold. Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases OA pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two.  Learn more about using heat and cold.

11. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).  A technique in which a weak electric current is administered through electrodes placed on the skin, TENS is believed to stop messages from pain receptors from reaching the brain. It has been shown to help with short-term pain control in some patients with knee or hip arthritis.

12. Acupuncture. A form of traditional Chinese medicine involving the insertion of thin, sharp needles at specific points on the body, acupuncture has been touted as a treatment for osteoarthritis pain. A recent trial of 352 patients with knee osteoarthritis showed small but statistically significant improvement in pain intensity two and four weeks after a course of acupuncture. Read more about acupuncture.

Do I Have Arthritis?

How Do I know I have Arthritis

You did not say whether these family members had rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

RA is genetic. One of the first place it starts to strike is in the hands and fingers.

Most forms of arthritis are gentic. There is not much you can do (especially osteoarthritis) other then take tylenol or other meds to reduce the inflammation.

Arthritis is a disease that is most common with women. This is not to say that the men folks are exempted but the rate among women is more than that of the men. Also, it has been discovered to be prevalent among older people. However, there are other types of arthritis that affects the younger ones as well.

Arthritis might not be far away from you if:
- you are having persistent pain in your joints
- there is swelling in one or more of your joints
- you have persistent low back pain

In other words, no age range is spared by arthritis. As mentioned earlier, there is presently no known cure for this deadly disease. You are therefore advised to seek urgent medical attention when you discover that you or your loved one is experiencing any symptoms of arthritis.

If you have been thinking that arthritis is just a single disease, it is time to have a rethink as this piece will show you. The condition of arthritis varies from age and sex. It is more seen among women than men. Older people are known to be prone to the disease than the young ones.

A better understanding of the early symptoms of any of these types of arthritis is required to tackle the disease headlong. Immediately you notice any of these symptoms, it is advisable that you quickly see a reliable and reputable physician that will counsel you on how to address the problem and continue your normal life.

If you or your loved one has arthritis, you should know that it is not the end of the world.
Famous people that have shaped the destinies of nations have had the problem and have confronted it successfully.

What Are The Types Of Arthritis

What Are The Types Of Arthritis

Did you know there is more than one type of arthritis? In fact, there are more than 100 types of arthritis. It's a condition that affects more than 46 million U.S. adults -- a number that's expected to increase to 67 million adults by the year 2030.
Arthritis owes its origin to the Greek words – “arthron” and “itis”. It is a compound word for several other arthritic conditions. There are presently lots of these conditions or factors relating to causes of arthritis.

There are different types of arthritis with its own peculiar symptoms and treatment. Presently there are over lots of types of arthritis. Let me just highlight the common ones for you.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This type of arthritis is not restricted to any particular age. It can happen to you at any age. The causes are yet to be discovered. Among the different types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is the most devastating as it can cause severe deformities of the joints coupled with general weakness of the entire body. Rheumatoid arthritic patients usually suffer from problems such as hammer toes, claw toes and several others that can truncate the normal lifestyle of an individual.

Osteoarthritis: This is the most common of the types of arthritis. It has been discovered to be the cause of severe strain and the wearing away of the cartilage in the joints of the foot. Consequently, movement of the patient is hampered and very painful. The pain could worsen when walking or standing.

Gout: This type of arthritis is associated with foot complications. It affects the big toe most of the time. The big toe is mostly affected because of the stress and pressure it experiences while walking or when doing other weight bearing activities. This is why there is so much pain in the big toe. Gout arthritis is mostly common among the men than the women.

Juvenile arthritis: Unfortunately, children are not left out of this deadly disease known as arthritis. Juvenile arthritis affects mostly children before the age of sixteen, which is why it is called Juvenile arthritis. This disease could occur as early as six weeks of age. It is very common among the girls than the boys.

Arthritis, Deadly Joint Disease

Arthritis, Deadly Joint Disease

Types of arthritis that resemble infectious joint disease, no causative agent has been isolated. Principal among these is rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis is one of the deadly diseases in the world apart from the HIV. This is the disease that has claimed many lives nation wide. Millions of dollars have been spent in combating this deadly disease, yet there is no permanent solution.

If you or a loved one have this disease, you need to be aware that it is not the end of the world yet. Many people like you having the same problem have been able to continue living their normal lives, while battling with this disease.

Arthritis is a disease that you can recover from if detected early enough. An early treatment will prolong your life or that of your loved one. It is a disease that is common in joints. Arthritis as a term derives its meaning from the Greek word “arthron” and “it is”. The former means joint while the latter means inflammation.

Arthritis is not just a single disease but a combination of several other diseases that affect your joints. Actually, it combines different diseases. Some of these various diseases associated with arthritis involve inflammation of the joint, while others do not.

Some of these different diseases are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudo-gout, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic arthritis, etc. Though presently there is no known cure for this disease, researches are still being carried out in order to find a cure.

It is advisable that you contact a reputable and reliable physician for treating arthritis. These professionals are more experienced than you. Their timely advice can help elongate your life or that of your loved one battling with arthritis.

Though many people out there are scared of visiting a physician, it is advisable that you do so; as it might be the saving grace. You must watch out for the arthritis symptoms early enough to know when to begin receiving treatment for arthritis.

As soon as you detect any early symptoms of arthritis, it is recommended that you seek immediate help and assistance of a professional rheumatologist who will be in the best position to help you with the needed treatment.

Home Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation Relief

Home Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation Relief

I have pmr which s polymyaliga rhuematica, and I take turmeric, it realy help with the swelling of my knees, and be able to walk..

Clients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (as well as your garden variety joint pain) often come to me for help. Rheumatoid arthritis, caused by an overactive immune system, is especially scary, since the medical protocol can be quite intense (such as chemotherapy and other therapies which suppress the immune system). Because of this common medical treatment, I do not suggest any immune-enhancing herbs (such as Echinacea or Goldenseal). Instead, I’m going to recommend herbs to treat inflammation (the true root cause of all disease, in my humble opinion) as well as herbs which cleanse the blood and strengthen the body in general.

Alterative herbs help cleanse metabolic waste products and toxins from our body, and are a staple of herbal medicine. Alteratives work by supporting the natural cleansing functions of the kidneys, large intestines, increase blood flow and aid lymph drainage. Allowing these wastes and toxins to circulate throughout the body is a cause of inflammation and, when the body is attempting to stem inflammation, it’s not able to do much else in order to support our health. Here are a few herbs to help stem inflammation and aid the body in its detoxing efforts. (Note: these herbs are helpful for anyone with illness—not just arthritis or other inflammatory conditions).

Arthritis is one of the common aging effects suffered by many, which is caused due to the degeneration of bones and cartilages. It is a painful condition generally observed in the major joints along with swelling and inflammation. Among a thousand types of arthritis, the most prevailing ones are gout, osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. The Rheumatoid arthritis is the most severe form of this disease that affects the muscles and tendons apart from the joints. The joints of shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, heels, wrists, fingers and elbow wear out as one progress towards aging. Sometimes unhealthy lifestyle and obesity also invites arthritis at an early age. Both men and women suffer from varying degrees of this disease; women being more prone to arthritis after menopause.


Common symptoms pointing towards Arthritis are

1. Moderate to severe pain in the joints.
2. Swelling and inflammation of joints.
3. Tenderness and stiffness in the joints restricting free movements.
4. Fever in case of Rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Formation of big toe in case of Gout.


1. Aging
2. Higher levels of uric acid in blood
3. Obesity
4. Fluctuations in the hormonal levels
5. Tenderness in the synovial joints

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Apart from the conventional treatment through the administration of high doses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, home remedies provide an alternate treatment of arthritis which is no less effective than the drugs.

1. Raw potato juice gives wondrous results in treating arthritis. Thin slices of potato including the skin are soaked in a glass of water overnight, which should be drunk early in the morning with the sunrise.

2. Regular physical exercises improve the blood circulation and helps in strengthening the joints. It also keeps the body weight in control and prevents crippling of the limbs.

3. Hot Epsom salt baths are very useful for this treatment as the skin absorbs the salt and enhances blood circulation.

4. Reduced intake of protein, refined sugar and other processed foods is necessary in treating arthritis.

5. Drinking a cup of juice of carrot, beet root, celery and other leafy vegetables is a good home remedy for arthritis.

6. The herb Boswelia Serrata has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation.

7. The herb Angelica is enriched with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and pain relieving constituents that is very effective in reducing the discomforts of arthritis.

8. Sea bathing and steam baths are very useful in arthritis treatment.

9. Rubbing the joints with castor oil is also beneficial in treating this disorder.

10. Massaging the painful joints with the essential oils of Juniper, sage, Rosemary, Thyme diluted with olive oil in the ratio of 1:10 provides instant relief to the pain.

Natural Remedies for Treating Arthritis

Natural Remedies For Arthritis

When joint cartilage wears away, bone rubs against bone, causing osteoarthritis. Sounds painful?
Kitchen-crafted remedies can help ease the pain of arthritis. Read on to learn the benefits of everyday items like Epsom salts, aspartame, and dairy products.

Osteoarthritis seriously impairs the quality of life for 27 million Americans. Given that osteoarthritis is so disabling, painful, and common, lots of quack “cures” are out there, from shark cartilage to copper jewelry to snake venom.

But here are 13 natural remedies that research suggests may actually help ease arthritis pain.

Arthritis is an inflammatory joint condition causing stiffness, swelling, and pain. There are approximately 300 joints throughout your body. Arthritis limits your activity and usually gets worse if left untreated.

By following these natural remedies for arthritis, you can greatly reduce and in many cases, eliminate arthritis pain without the damaging effects of drugs. Medications may help reduce inflammation but there are side effects such as upset stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney problems.

Connection between Diet and Arthritis

Eating a well-balance diet is essential for arthritis sufferers. If you are serious about eliminating pain, then you must be willing to make changes. Eating more fruits and vegetables and decreasing the amount of processed foods will detoxify your body and keep it running smoothly.

A healthier diet also aids in weight reduction. Being overweight puts undue pressure on your joints and increases the painful symptoms.

Natural remedies for arthritis include yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. They are high in vitamin A and are essential for bone function as well as aiding your immune system in the reduction of pain. Apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges, carrots, and winter squash are good starters. A glass of fresh squeezed orange juice a day is a tasty way to get a good dose of vitamin A.

Eliminating dairy, sugar, and wheat from your diet is also essential in the reduction of arthritis pain. Drink rice milk or almond milk and eat whole grains instead. Use honey as a sweetener in place of sugar.
The Result of Proper Intake of Fluid and Arthritis

Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day helps to release toxins and controls constipation, decreasing the amount of pain in your joints. It is also essential in weight reduction. Regular intake of fluids also aids in the proper functioning of all major body organs.

The best way to make sure you are drinking the recommended dosage is to measure the amount you drink. Unless you do, you are only guessing.
Benefits of Exercise and Arthritis

Regular physical activity plays an essential role in the treatment of arthritis. One of the best known exercises encompassing a wide range of benefits is Yoga. These benefits include increased strength, flexibility and energy, decreasing body aches and pains. Most importantly, Yoga promotes joint health.

"How To" tapes and CD's for beginning yoga are readily available in bookstores and libraries. Start slow, fifteen to twenty minutes a day, and in a short period of time you will begin to feel the benefits of regular stretching and meditation. Pain and stiffness will begin to decrease, making you wonder why you had not started sooner.
Making healthy changes in your lifestyle will bring relief of arthritic symptoms and in many cases, eliminate pain and stiffness altogether. Stick to natural remedies for arthritis and stay away from prescription and non-prescription medications. Be patient and understand you did not get arthritis overnight. Relief will come with consistency, diligence and being gentle with your body. You will lose weight and eliminate toxins, feeling and looking better than you ever thought possible.

Tips to Reduce Arthritis

An earlier version of the story referenced arthritis instead of the more specific form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. This version has been changed.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans suffering from arthritis is growing. The disease is now the leading cause of disability across the country and more women are being diagnosed than ever before. So what exactly is arthritis, and how can you prevent it? Read on to learn more.
Woman in Forties Stretching

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more of your joints, causing stiffness, swelling, pain and sometimes a reduction in mobility. There are two types, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Here are 15 easy, common sense lifestyle tips to help you with Arthritic symptoms and reduce general inflammation, making life more comfortable.

1. Cut Out Alcohol

This will keep your yeast overgrowth at bay and reduce the bodies acidity levels.

2. Cut out refined carbs

Switch anything 'white' to 'brown'. Introduce power grains like Quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth and brown, short grain rice as these soak up toxins in the body.

3. Cut our refined sugars

A LOW G.I. diet needs to be adopted. Refined sugars actually create an immune system response in the body and high blood glucose levels cause inflammation.

4. Cut Out Acid and Introduce Alkaline

Acid = tea, coffee, milk, wheat, fried foods, soft drink, sugar and drugs

Alkaline = Millet, brown rice, all the power grains, cruciferous veg, lemons, cider vinegar (that might seem odd but they are both acid until they are ingested, when they turn alkaline!), sea veg as well are very alkalising!

5. Support your immune system

Particularly for Rheumatoid Arthritis - great herbs for this are Oregano, Rosemary, Echinacea, Thyme, Turmeric, antioxidents through foods and also Selenium and Vitamins A, C and E

6. Cut out wheat and cows milk

Gluten (from wheat) is extremely resistant to intestinal digestion and can cause damage to the intestinal lining. This can cause leaky gut which can then release toxins into the bloodstream causing inflammation. Also, cow's milk, once pasteurized, changes from alkaline to acid.

7. Source seaweeds and algaes

These are highly alkalising, clean the blood, detoxify the whole system and work on oxygenating and repairing cells. They also support general immunity.

8. Work Out your Food Intolerance

If you are intolerant to foods this causes the body to live in a state of 'emergency', stress and inflammation can then occur.

9. Take Omega 3's

We have become Omega 6 dominant over time as this is found in nuts, eggs, organ meat, beef and dairy. This can cause an inflammatory reaction - Omega 3 is an excellent anti-inflammatory! Eat more fish and find a great fish oil supplement.

10. Don't fry food or heat fats!

This can cause a bad inflammatory response because they create advanced glycation end products (something the body treats as an invader).

11. Get enough sleep!

During sleep, the body regenerates which calms the immune system. Lack of restorative sleep is a major promoter of inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers often associate pain with how much sleep they did or didn't get.

12. Lose weight now!

I'm sorry but it's just too important not to add into this list! Excessive weight encourages inflammation. Toxins also hide in excess fat meaning that the more over weight you are, the more you are likely to be acidic and toxic.

13. Drink water!

This lubricates the joints and flushes away toxins. Alkalising is also about staying hydrated.

14. Cut out the 'nightshade' family

potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergine etc. This family are very acidic and also contain 'Solanine' which is a calcium inhibitor (especially significant in cases of osteoarthritis!).

15. Cut out oxalic acid rich foods

These can exacerbate symptoms - tea, coffee, wine, spinach, gooseberries, oranges, strawberries, blackcurrants. These can be re-introduced in small amounts once symptoms have reduced or disappeared.

Arthritis - A Deadly Disease

Arthritis - A Deadly Disease

There is also an increased mortality rate with this disease. The five-year survival rate of patients with more than thirty joints involved is approximately 50 percent. This is similar to severe coronary artery disease or stage IV Hodgkin's disease

Arthritis is the disease basically associated with the old people but the children may be affected by this disease. People of the age group 65 are mostly affected by arthritis in North America and they together constitute 70% of the total population. Women are at the major risk of getting affected by arthritis as compared to the men and this disease is more prevalent in the women of all ethnic races and cultures. According to an estimate about 46 million of people USA are suffering from this disease and the number increases every year. About one million people are admitted to the hospital just because of the problems they face because of arthritis.


All the persons suffering from arthritis complain the problem of extreme pain. The pain may be different according to the location and the individual. Rheumatoid arthritis is very worse in the morning and is characterized by stiffness. In the earlier stages the symptoms cannot be easily recognized. In the old individuals and the children pain may not be the major diagnostic feature as the old people move little and the children refuse to move the limb when it is paining. Important features of arthritis include speed and time of onset, pattern of joint movement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, locking with inactivity, tenderness and other systemic factors. Physical examination and the radiography may be helpful in the diagnosis of the disease. Arthritis has been known from prehistoric times. Extra articular features of arthritis or joint disease include cutaneous nodules, oedema, ocular inflammation, diarrhea, bursitis, lymphadenopathy and urethritis. Blood tests indicate the presence of rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF) and extractable nuclear antigen.


In USA arthritis is the major cause of disability among the individuals and 20 million people are dependent upon the doctors and the physicians for their survival. It has been found that the 50% of an individual's salary who is suffering from arthritis is lost in the treatment of arthritis. The ability of a person to remain active is lost completely. Some also suffer from obesity, high cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Depression may also be found in such individuals.


Apart from the type of arthritis the common symptoms are pain, joint stiffness and swelling and a persisting pain around the joints. Other symptoms include inability to walk and move hands, malaise and feeling of tiredness, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, muscle ache, tenderness and difficulty in moving the joints.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is a disorder where the body starts destroying its own tissues for some unknown reasons. The attack is not only restricted to the joints but also to other parts of the body. The major damage is caused to the lining of the joints and the cartilage resulting in the erosion of two opposing bones. The joints of the fingers, knee, wrists and elbows are affected in the rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is having symmetry and causes severe deformity in few years. It basically affects the people of age group 20 or more. This disorder in children causes pain, fever, skin rashes and limitations on the day to day activities. Actual cause rheumatoid arthritis is not known till present but the scientists are very actively engaged in finding out the treatments as possible for this disorder. The drugs that are administered against rheumatoid arthritis include intravenous injections of either corticosteroids or monoclonal antibodies. Remicade is a drug which is presently being used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and can be effective for short term only. Surgery can be done to replace the affected joint but there is no complete cure of the disorder. Other dangerous symptoms can also develop in later stages which include heart problems, gait abnormality and skin nodules.


It affects the larger joints of the body like that of the back, hip or the knees. This is generally the result of the wear and tear of the joints. It begins in the cartilage and results in the erosion of two opposing bones. It starts with a minor pain which is experiences while walking and the pain becomes continuous during the night. The pain causes hindrance in the daily activity of the individual. It is basically a disorder very common among the old people especially the women of the age group 65. Osteoarthritis cannot be cured but can be prevented from becoming worse. Weight loss is the most common feature of this disease. Physical therapy of the joints may be helpful in getting some relief. Joint replacement may be of little help.

Severe Arthritis

Arthritis is a dangerous disease and in more intense cases it can result in severe deformities. The majority of the individuals suffering from the rheumatoid arthritis have deformed fingers. The deformity may also be seen in the wrist joint so it cannot be moved properly. Other problems include appearance of carpal tunnel syndrome due to nerve entrapment. In later cases the sensation of the fingers also gets lost. Infectious arthritis is another form of severe arthritis. It is characterized by appearance of sudden chills, fever and joint pain. This condition may be caused by bacteria. This disease can be easily diagnosed and prevented from becoming intense. Psoriasis is another form of arthritis. In this case first the patient develops skin problems followed by arthritis. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and swelling. There is no cure for this disease and this occurs on a small scale. Lupus is a collagen vascular disorder that can be frequently found associated with arthritis. The symptoms of lupus include skin rash, extreme photosensitivity, hair loss, kidney problems, lung fibrosis and constant joint pain. Another problem that has been found associated with arthritis is gout which arises due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation. The joints lose their activity and often swell.


Rheumatoid and the osteoarthritis are not curable but one can prevent himself from being affected by physical therapy, losing weight and eating healthy. The individuals who feel pain in the joints must immediately consult the physicians so that the treatment can be started as soon as possible in order to prevent the disorder from becoming intense.


Once arthritis is diagnosed treatments are available for a number of symptoms that are frequently experienced. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are not curable. The treatments used against them can help in relieving pain for a short period but complete relief is not possible. Treatments include physical therapy, changing the lifestyle, orthopedic bracing, medications and dietary supplements. Arthroplasty also called joint replacement surgery can also be performed. Physical exercise has given better results in treatment of arthritis.


Physicians generally start the treatment with the use of drugs. The first choice of drugs is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen and tramadol are the general pain killers which are basically used. The drugs although effective are also associated with a number of side-effects like the abdominal pain, bleeding, liver and kidney damage and ulcers. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be used for prolonged periods without the prescription of the physician. Corticosteroids are presently being used for the treatment of arthritis. They help in reducing the inflammation and also prevent the joint damage. Corticosteroids are associated with a number of side effects like ulcers, hypertension, cataracts, diabetes, skin bruising, and weight gain. Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) is generally used for the treatment for the rheumatoid arthritis as they are helpful in preventing the joint damage. The commonly used DMARDs are methotrexate, hydrochloroquineand minocycline. They are also having many side effects in the form of liver and kidney damage, bone marrow suppression and possibility of other infections.

Immunosuppressants like cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide can be taken for getting relief from inflammation. These drugs make an individual more prone to other infections. Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors have been used for getting relief from inflammation and joint pain. They are also having some side effects as a person becomes susceptible to the risk of heart disease and other infections.
Occupational therapy and the physical therapy can help the people suffering from arthritis. Physical therapy can teach an affected individual how to relax the limb without damaging the joints. It can also provide splint and braces for the joints. Physical therapy also teaches how to drive the car, take bath and perform household work. Occupational therapy teaches how to reduce on the joints and perform the daily activities. Physical therapy also makes use of ice, heating pads and ultrasound guided massage therapy. Both these therapies help an individual to remain free from some of the difficulties of arthritis.

It can be concluded that arthritis is a very painful disease affecting the joints and there no complete cure for it only one can practice the use of physical and occupational therapy. Drugs can be helpful but are at risk and make an individual more prone to other infections.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Arthritis of the Knee: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

here are three basic types of arthritis that may affect the knee joint. Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of knee arthritis.

Arthritis anywhere in the body can range from moderately uncomfortable to debilitating. When you have arthritis of the knee, it can be particularly troublesome because it interferes with your mobility. If you think you may have arthritis of the knee, it is best to see an orthopedic doctor for evaluation. An orthopedist can provide treatment options to help you manage your arthritis and preserve your quality of life.

Types of Knee Arthritis
Knee arthritis can occur in one of three types: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative and progressive condition that wears away the joint cartilage over time, while rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory illness that damages the cartilage. Post-traumatic arthritis occurs when there has been an injury to the knee, sometimes years after the injury occurred.

Symptoms of Knee Arthritis
Regardless of the type of knee arthritis, the symptoms are similar. You may feel stiffness or swelling that makes bending the knee difficult or uncomfortable. Weather conditions may seem to aggravate your discomfort. You may feel as though your knee is locked, or it could buckle from beneath you from weakness. Pain can worsen after physical activity, but is often worst upon rising after sleep or other inactivity.

Treatments for Knee Arthritis
The treatment that your orthopedist recommends will depend on both the type of knee arthritis you have and how far it has progressed. Non-surgical options include wearing or using supportive devices to reduce strain on the joint, physical therapy or exercise, and taking measures to become healthier overall. Your orthopedist may also prescribe medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, drugs to support joint health, or others. An orthopedic surgeon can perform corrective surgery if your condition is not responding to non-surgical techniques and medications.

For more information about treating knee arthritis, contact Nirschl Orthopaedic Center. We can diagnose the type of arthritis you have and devise a treatment plan to give you relief. Call (703) 525-2200 to schedule an appointment with our orthopedist, or visit our website to learn more about our orthopedic doctors.

Regenerative Medicine with PRP Therapy Showing Promise for Knee Arthritis

Regenerative Medicine with PRP Therapy Showing Promise for Knee Arthritis

A new study from Italy published in Arthroscopy, showed superiority in PRP injections over the standardof care with hyaluronic acid injections.
 Hyaluronic acid injections are currently FDA approved for the management of knee osteoarthritis and are recognized by most major insurance companies as a last alternative to a total knee replacement following failed corticosteroid injection & physical therapy, activity modification, diet, medications, bracing, etc.

One of the most exciting recent advancements in pain management has been the introduction of platelet rich plasma therapy. It is known as PRP therapy for short, and is showing promise for knee arthritis in a new research study.

Prior to being introduced in the world of musculoskeletal medicine, platelet rich plasma treatment has been used for decades in cardiovascular medicine, ophthalmology, urology and wound care.

Recent studies have been showing excellent outcomes from PRP therapy for soft tissue tendinitis, ligament injuries, and now arthritis.

This knee study was performed at the Hospital for Special Surgery and published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 22 patients were injected with platelet rich plasma into knees that had moderate arthritis and were causing pain. They did not include severe end stage arthritis in the study. Participants included males and females with an age averaging 55 years.

Platelet rich plasma involves a simple blood draw from the patient with the whole blood being spun down in a centrifuge for approximately 6 minutes. Most of the resulting product is discarded, however, the top layer is concentrated with platelets and growth factors and that is the PRP.

In this study, 6 mL of PRP was injected into the arthritic knee and patients were followed for a year afterwards. The study looked at pain scores along with functional outcomes. In addition, MRIs studies were performed looking at the amount of cartilage before and after the injections.

The outcomes of the study were impressive. Even with just one PRP injection, patients had significant pain relief that lasted the whole year. In addition, the functional outcomes improved significantly in the bulk of the patients.

Also, MRIs studies showed that in three fourths of the patients, no further cartilage degradation could be seen. In the normal arthritis situation, 4 to 6% of individual’s cartilage degenerates each year with active arthritis. In this study, the PRP appeared to prevent knee degeneration in 3/4 of the patients.

This was a very exciting small study. The hope is that when a larger study is performed, it will show statistically significant excellent outcomes in all of its variables as well.

Arizona Pain Specialists offers platelet rich plasma injections for both soft tissue tendinitis and ligament problems along with osteoarthritis at multiple AZ pain centers.

Arizona Pain has four Phoenix pain clinics across the Valley along with accepting over 50 insurance plans including Worker’s Compensation, Personal injury liens, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, CIGNA, Medicare, Medicaid along with self-pay and many others.

Arthritis - A Deadly Disease

Arthritis - A Deadly Disease

Rare and deadly diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, typhoid and polio once thought to be eradicated from this country, are now becoming prevalent again. Also being seen are diseases common to Third World countries such as West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever.

 According to an estimate about 46 million of people USA are suffering from this disease and the number increases every year. About one million people are admitted to the hospital just because of the problems they face because of arthritis.


All the persons suffering from arthritis complain the problem of extreme pain. The pain may be different according to the location and the individual. Rheumatoid arthritis is very worse in the morning and is characterized by stiffness. In the earlier stages the symptoms cannot be easily recognized. In the old individuals and the children pain may not be the major diagnostic feature as the old people move little and the children refuse to move the limb when it is paining. Important features of arthritis include speed and time of onset, pattern of joint movement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, locking with inactivity, tenderness and other systemic factors. Physical examination and the radiography may be helpful in the diagnosis of the disease. Arthritis has been known from prehistoric times. Extra articular features of arthritis or joint disease include cutaneous nodules, oedema, ocular inflammation, diarrhea, bursitis, lymphadenopathy and urethritis. Blood tests indicate the presence of rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF) and extractable nuclear antigen.


In USA arthritis is the major cause of disability among the individuals and 20 million people are dependent upon the doctors and the physicians for their survival. It has been found that the 50% of an individual's salary who is suffering from arthritis is lost in the treatment of arthritis. The ability of a person to remain active is lost completely. Some also suffer from obesity, high cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Depression may also be found in such individuals.


Apart from the type of arthritis the common symptoms are pain, joint stiffness and swelling and a persisting pain around the joints. Other symptoms include inability to walk and move hands, malaise and feeling of tiredness, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, muscle ache, tenderness and difficulty in moving the joints.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is a disorder where the body starts destroying its own tissues for some unknown reasons. The attack is not only restricted to the joints but also to other parts of the body. The major damage is caused to the lining of the joints and the cartilage resulting in the erosion of two opposing bones. The joints of the fingers, knee, wrists and elbows are affected in the rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is having symmetry and causes severe deformity in few years. It basically affects the people of age group 20 or more. This disorder in children causes pain, fever, skin rashes and limitations on the day to day activities. Actual cause rheumatoid arthritis is not known till present but the scientists are very actively engaged in finding out the treatments as possible for this disorder. The drugs that are administered against rheumatoid arthritis include intravenous injections of either corticosteroids or monoclonal antibodies. Remicade is a drug which is presently being used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and can be effective for short term only. Surgery can be done to replace the affected joint but there is no complete cure of the disorder. Other dangerous symptoms can also develop in later stages which include heart problems, gait abnormality and skin nodules.


It affects the larger joints of the body like that of the back, hip or the knees. This is generally the result of the wear and tear of the joints. It begins in the cartilage and results in the erosion of two opposing bones. It starts with a minor pain which is experiences while walking and the pain becomes continuous during the night. The pain causes hindrance in the daily activity of the individual. It is basically a disorder very common among the old people especially the women of the age group 65. Osteoarthritis cannot be cured but can be prevented from becoming worse. Weight loss is the most common feature of this disease. Physical therapy of the joints may be helpful in getting some relief. Joint replacement may be of little help.

Severe Arthritis

Arthritis is a dangerous disease and in more intense cases it can result in severe deformities. The majority of the individuals suffering from the rheumatoid arthritis have deformed fingers. The deformity may also be seen in the wrist joint so it cannot be moved properly. Other problems include appearance of carpal tunnel syndrome due to nerve entrapment. In later cases the sensation of the fingers also gets lost. Infectious arthritis is another form of severe arthritis. It is characterized by appearance of sudden chills, fever and joint pain. This condition may be caused by bacteria. This disease can be easily diagnosed and prevented from becoming intense. Psoriasis is another form of arthritis. In this case first the patient develops skin problems followed by arthritis. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and swelling. There is no cure for this disease and this occurs on a small scale. Lupus is a collagen vascular disorder that can be frequently found associated with arthritis. The symptoms of lupus include skin rash, extreme photosensitivity, hair loss, kidney problems, lung fibrosis and constant joint pain. Another problem that has been found associated with arthritis is gout which arises due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation. The joints lose their activity and often swell.


Rheumatoid and the osteoarthritis are not curable but one can prevent himself from being affected by physical therapy, losing weight and eating healthy. The individuals who feel pain in the joints must immediately consult the physicians so that the treatment can be started as soon as possible in order to prevent the disorder from becoming intense.


Once arthritis is diagnosed treatments are available for a number of symptoms that are frequently experienced. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are not curable. The treatments used against them can help in relieving pain for a short period but complete relief is not possible. Treatments include physical therapy, changing the lifestyle, orthopedic bracing, medications and dietary supplements. Arthroplasty also called joint replacement surgery can also be performed. Physical exercise has given better results in treatment of arthritis.


Physicians generally start the treatment with the use of drugs. The first choice of drugs is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen and tramadol are the general pain killers which are basically used. The drugs although effective are also associated with a number of side-effects like the abdominal pain, bleeding, liver and kidney damage and ulcers. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be used for prolonged periods without the prescription of the physician. Corticosteroids are presently being used for the treatment of arthritis. They help in reducing the inflammation and also prevent the joint damage. Corticosteroids are associated with a number of side effects like ulcers, hypertension, cataracts, diabetes, skin bruising, and weight gain. Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) is generally used for the treatment for the rheumatoid arthritis as they are helpful in preventing the joint damage. The commonly used DMARDs are methotrexate, hydrochloroquineand minocycline. They are also having many side effects in the form of liver and kidney damage, bone marrow suppression and possibility of other infections.

Immunosuppressants like cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide can be taken for getting relief from inflammation. These drugs make an individual more prone to other infections. Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors have been used for getting relief from inflammation and joint pain. They are also having some side effects as a person becomes susceptible to the risk of heart disease and other infections.
Occupational therapy and the physical therapy can help the people suffering from arthritis. Physical therapy can teach an affected individual how to relax the limb without damaging the joints. It can also provide splint and braces for the joints. Physical therapy also teaches how to drive the car, take bath and perform household work. Occupational therapy teaches how to reduce on the joints and perform the daily activities. Physical therapy also makes use of ice, heating pads and ultrasound guided massage therapy. Both these therapies help an individual to remain free from some of the difficulties of arthritis.

It can be concluded that arthritis is a very painful disease affecting the joints and there no complete cure for it only one can practice the use of physical and occupational therapy. Drugs can be helpful but are at risk and make an individual more prone to other infections.

Arthritis and Oregano Oil

Arthritis and Oregano Oil

the high potency of oregano oil’s active substances can definitely give relief to those who are suffering from arthritis.

Citation: Disabled World News (2011-05-19) - The high potency of oregano oil active substances can definitely give relief to those who are suffering from arthritis:

Arthritis is the chronic musculoskeletal disease that plagues 50% of the population in the United States. It is the major cause of disability for those 55 years old and above. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis are the most common. They share the same symptoms like stiffness of the joints, inflammation and pain. Those who are suffering from this condition experience limitation in their movements. Loss of function or disability is the most serious outcome.

With the use of oregano oil, the inflamed joints and pain associated with arthritis can be controlled. It has been found in a recent experiment that carvacrol, one of the two active ingredients in oregano oil, can activate the HSP or heat shock proteins, our natural anti-inflammatory defense system. This is done by way of our T cells. These T cells regulate our tolerance to high stress.

The researchers artificially produced autoimmune arthritis in laboratory animals and they introduced oregano oil to these animals. They found that carvacrol in the oil completely suppressed the artificially induced joint damage. The results showed that carvacrol can increase the response of the T cell against self-stress proteins and reduced inflammatory disease.

Oregano Oil has also been shown by a previous experiment to reduce pain. This essential oil comes from the wild oregano plant which has been widely known in the past as an effective treatment for respiratory and digestive disorders as well as several skin diseases. The plant grows in the hill tops of Mediterranean countries like Greece, Portugal and Turkey. At present, the oil is extracted from the crushed leaves by means of cold process. The leaves from the plant Origanum vulgare are used and not the common oregano Oreganum marjoram.

Studies and experiments have identified carvacrol as one of the active ingredients of oregano oil. Carvacrol, together with another ingredient, thymol, are the ones responsible for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitical qualities of oregano oil. Several universities in the United States have confirmed the potency of this essential oil against harmful microorganisms. They found that this substance is more effective in eradicating E.coli, staphylococcus bacteria, Candida albicans and other pathogens.

The advantage of oregano oil over that of conventional pharmaceutical drugs is that the microorganisms cannot develop resistance against it. But because of the very active ingredients of oregano oil, you are advised to consult first with your health provider if you have an existing medical condition. It is also not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Arthritis Knee Pain,What Can Do?

Arthritis Knee Pain - What Can You Do About It?

There are three basic types of arthritis that may affect the knee joint.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of knee arthritis. OA is usually a slowly progressive degenerative disease in which the joint cartilage gradually wears away. It most often affects middle-aged and older people.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory type of arthritis that can destroy the joint cartilage. RA can occur at any age. RA generally affects both knees.
Post-traumatic Arthritis
Post-traumatic arthritis can develop after an injury to the knee. This type of arthritis is similar to osteoarthritis and may develop years after a fracture, ligament injury, or meniscus tear.
A healthy knee
An osteoarthritic knee

Arthritis knee pain affects so many Americans over the age of 50. The things you use to enjoy in life all of a sudden have become a chore. Simple things like going up the stairs and squatting are being done gingerly and with careful consideration. You can't remember the last time you danced, golfed, biked, jogged or walked with ease. So lets take a look at arthritis knee pain and in particular arthritis itself and find out what are the possible causes and can something be done to help you enjoy life again.

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes swelling and pain in the joints. It mostly affects the knee joints because the knee is the joint that we used most often. We stand, sit, walk, squat with the knees so the degeneration of the joint start here most often causing arthritis knee pain. There are several classifications of arthritis but the one that is most familiar is Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects millions of Americans each and every day causing arthritis knee pain . Not only are we talking about arthritis in the knees but also arthritis can affect the hips, hands, spine and legs as well. As osteoarthritis starts its course, degeneration of the cartilage that protects the bones begin to wear down causing the rubbing of the bones against each other. This causes swelling and pain in the joints that are affected. Over time, the pain and swelling become worse causing limited mobility and range of motion. For arthritis knee pain sufferer, flare ups occur with the change in whether, falling barometric pressure, and first thing in the morning upon rising. There is no true consensus as to what causes osteoarthritis but food allergies, poor diet, and mineral deposits have been linked.

So how can we alleviate arthritis knee pain? Let us focus on diet. Diet is an effective way to alleviate arthritis pain if you know which foods to avoid and which foods to consume in adequate quantities. One food that has been found to be essential is cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel. Cold water fish is loaded with essential fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties that decreases swelling in arthritis knees. Increasing the amount of fiber intake such as raw fruits and vegetables is another way to decrease arthritis knee pain. Fiber acts as a sweeper that sweeps away excess mineral and acid in the body. To get a double benefit, eat vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli because these vegetables are not only provide fiber for sweeping but also have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Also eat foods high in sulfur such as garlic, asparagus, and onion because sulfur helps repair cartilage and bone which we know is essential for fluid joint mobility. Finally, drink plenty of water especially when you first get up in the morning to help lubricate the knee joints and thus decreasing the arthritis knee pain.

Now that you know what causes arthritis pain start looking at your diet and other risk factors. Start consuming foods loaded with essential fatty acids, fiber and sulfur. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and get plenty of rest. You can take control of arthritis knee pain and start enjoying life once again.

Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can be life-changing. You may need long-term treatment to control your symptoms and reduce joint damage.
Mrs. K.D. is a 43-year-old wife and mother of two children and suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis. This is her story...

I have rheumatoid arthritis and would like to share with you the details of what a typical day is like for me from start to finish. This entry is not about my disease itself or its treatment but about the way it affects what I do throughout my day. I hope that by describing the details of what my day is like people will be more enlightened as to some of the experiences people with rheumatoid arthritis must endure regularly. I also hope that sharing these experiences will make it easier for acquaintances, friends, and family members to interact with those who suffer from this disease.

By way of background, I am a 43-year-old wife and mother of two grade-schoolers and have had severe rheumatoid arthritis now for nearly 10 years. My husband is understanding and supportive. My disease has caused deformity of my hands and feet. My fingers are recognizably gnarled and have bumps, called nodules. My wrists have nearly fused so that I can move them very little. My toes have cocked up and I have calluses under the pads at the bottoms of my feet. My knees are chronically slightly swollenas are many of the small joints of my knuckles.

Things that most people take for granted, for example sleeping, bathing, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making meals, and even driving a car, are extremely challenging for me.Arthritis Symptoms, Treatment Options, Exercise and Diet

Rheumatoid arthritis

Pain Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Don’t Let Joint Pain and Other Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Get the Upper Hand. With The Helpful Hand™ You Can Feel Better and Do More.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. In the United States alone, it affects about seven million individuals, most of them women. People of all ages can get this disease, but it usually manifests itself when one reaches his or her middle age. As with most other forms of arthritis, such as gout, osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis, the rheumatoid version can cause extreme pain, limiting one's mobility and adversely affecting the patient's quality of life. Naturally, the issue of pain relief is a welcome topic for arthritis sufferers.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling and pain, and can affect the joints in the ankle, knee, foot, hand, and wrist. It has also been known to affect the spine as well. There is still some mystery as to what causes this disease, but science has been investigating the hormonal, environmental, and genetic factors that contribute to the condition's occurrence. What is known is that somehow, something goes haywire within the body's immune system and instead of protecting itself, it turns and attacks the joints -- hence its classification as an autoimmune disease.

The 19th-century French artist Pierre-August Renoir and comedienne Lucille Ball are only two of other famous people who have been victims of this disease. Like other patients, they most probably suffered from symptoms such as inflammation of a joint (which feels hot or tender to the touch), possibly fever and loss of weight, and a decline in the level of energy. But most of all, one's waking moments are characterized by unremitting pain, the most common symptom. That's why pain relief is not only desired but essential if one is to at least able to go on functioning in the most optimal way possible.

There are several pain killers prescribed by doctors for rheumatoid patients. Probably the most common medication is something called NSAIDs, the acronym for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs do not inhibit the progress of the disease, but they do a lot to reduce swelling and the associated pain. However, some NSAIDs, such as COX-2 inhibitors, have come under fire from the public because of significant side effects that they can cause, including kidney and heart problems. Corticosteroid drugs taken orally are prescribed in cases where the pain and inflammation are very severe; but again, there are potentially serious side effects associated with them, so they should not be taken without your physician's approval.

Because of the growing concern over side effects, many patients are turning to natural and alternative therapies to manage their symptoms. Natural treatment regimens for rheumatoid arthritis abound; involving substances ranging from gold to herbs to marine products. For instance, dandelion capsules and celery seeds are reputed to reduce uric acid levels in the body, and this is good because excessively high uric acid levels can exacerbate symptoms. Herbs like dong quai, boswellia, and sarsaparilla have anti-inflammatory properties which reduce swelling. There is also growing evidence that dietary supplements containing chondroitin and glucosamine are beneficial for arthritis sufferers -- but many medical experts caution their use for in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, saying they are only to be used by those suffering from osteoarthritis. Other natural therapeutic methods used to treat the disease include acupuncture, massage, and hydrotherapy.

Medical experts cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of a healthy diet for those suffering from the disease. Studies show that patients usually do not have healthy eating habits, and that this disease occurs very rarely in cultures that do not thrive on fast food and other fatty foods. A diet based on whole foods, vegetables, fruits, and certain types of seafood is recommended; one that is rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, saturated fat, and sugar is not. Surprisingly, some foods that are healthy can actually aggravate arthritic pain in some patients; these include dairy and wheat products, and vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants.

Exercise is another important factor in creating the foundation for arthritis management. Physical therapists will generally recommend exercises that are "joint-friendly," such as walking, riding a stationary bicycle, swimming and other water activities. Moving an affected joint in its full range of motion is recommended, as long as you keep the movement smooth to avoid inflicting pain. Exercise is good, but it should not be overdone because it will worsen the pain, not relieve it.

There is no cure as yet for rheumatoid arthritis. But with the right diet, exercise, and treatment, a large measure of pain relief can be achieved. It is a manageable condition that should not prevent a person from living a good-quality life and continue to function as a contributing member to society.

Arthritis Knee Exercises - Knee Workouts to Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis Knee Exercises - Knee Workouts to Prevent Arthritis
It might surprise you, but exercise is one of the best ways to relieve the pain and stiffness of knee arthritis. Exercise strengthens the muscles around the knees, and it improves your flexibility, range of motion, and balance. Your doctor or a physical therapist can help you determine the best exercises for you.

There are many types of arthritis knee exercises and knee workouts that can be done on a regular basis to prevent joint pain and swelling. All these exercises and knee movements are very helpful for the patients and doctors highly advise the patients to follow the regime on a regular basis to keep the situation under control. Knee exercises and knee workouts if done properly and on a regular basis can prove to be really beneficial for curing joint pain and swelling.

Here are some effective knee workout types to help you stay fit as well as fight with the disease:

· Walking - Walking is considered to be one of the easiest and effective arthritis knee exercises for fighting pain. Walking does not need much effort and there is no much strain on your knees and side by side is pain free also.

· Water Knee Workout - This workout has the same effect as of the one done on the road or land. Water knee exercises may include doing aerobics, jogging, walking or playing sports like polo etc in the water. Water supports your body weight and it becomes easy for you to move around without causing much pain.

· Swimming - Swimming is again considered to be a very effective joint pain exercise as it gives you a great cardiovascular knee workout. Water supports the body and while swimming, you do not feel much pain. Patients with serious pain can also go for swimming.

· Cycling - Though it can be a bit painful initially but cycling is one arthritis knee exercise that every doctor recommends. The body moves all together and loosens the stiff joints and relaxes your knees. Cycling is a very good knee workout for reducing pain and swelling as it is a muscular exercise.