

Wednesday 6 November 2013

5 recipes powerful juice for arthritis sufferers

5 recipes powerful juice for arthritis sufferers

Juicing can be a powerful way to fight against inflammation and pain caused by arthritic conditions. A variety of delicious juice recipes are available to help you manage your arthritis pain.

Arthritis is a painful disease, inflammatory joint disease that affects men and women of all ages. This is the breakdown of cartilage, which normally acts as a cushion for your joints. In the absence of damping cartilage, the bones rub together in a way they should not, which can cause pain.

There are as a hundred types of arthritis, ranging from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis the most common osteoarthritis that affects most people as they age. Some forms of arthritis can even affect children. Most arthritis is associated with stiffness that can be swollen, painful and creaky.

Joints affected by arthritis may have limited movement and in severe cases can be deformed in appearance. In the joints of rheumatoid arthritis may be red and warm to the touch and are generally also affected on both sides of the body. All forms of arthritis can range from very mild to very debilitating.

Many plants contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to significantly reduce symptoms. The standard "Western" diet, which includes a large number of pro-inflammatory foods such as red meat, dairy products, refined and processed grains and refined sugar is supposed to promote conditions such as arthritis. A system built around fruits and vegetables helps prevent chronic diseases, including some arthritic conditions.

Fruits and believed to be effective for those who have arthritis pain vegetables include:

collard greens
bok choy
Juice concentrates healthy compounds in these plants, allowing you to benefit from more effective than the use of small amounts of whole fruit or vegetable. By exploiting the powerful antioxidants and enzymes of raw fruits and vegetables, using these juice recipes for arthritis can increase your joint mobility and comfort and reduce swelling.

You can also increase the anti-inflammatory effectiveness of your juice recipe by mixing with green tea, cold pressed seed oil or raw linseed oil liquid fish. They all have additional properties that make them healthy in an anti-inflammatory diet items.

Green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to be useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Flax and fish oils contain omega 3 fatty acids which are useful for a variety of conditions, including various forms of arthritis. These can also be mixed with fresh juices.

The following recipes juice for arthritis can all be easily performed using the centrifuges more power.

Pineapple, carrot and celery juice

5 carrots

2 stalks celery

4 oz pineapple

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Papaya Orange Juice

¼ papaya peeled

1 large orange, peeled

Papaya blueberry juice

2 cups blueberries

¼ papaya peeled

Broccoli carrot juice

1/2 cup fresh broccoli, chopped

3 medium carrots, only the roots

1 apple, core removed

1/2 lemon, peeled

Sour Cherry Juice Grenade

2 cups cherries

1 pomegranate, skin

1 apple, core removed

For each recipe, simply juice ingredients are in an electric juicer.

You can find other remedies juice for arthritis on the Internet or in books on juice. However, many of the most successful recipes come from experimenting, do not be afraid to use the list of fruits and vegetables above to find ideas for new juice combinations. You may have just invented a juice that tastes fantastic while providing great relief to aching, stiff joints! ......

Diet and exercise basics to deal with rheumatoid arthritis

Diet and exercise basics to deal with rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the joints of the body. Sometimes the disease can also affect some other organs like the heart, lungs or eyes. Rheumatoid arthritis is progressive in nature and cause a person a lot of pain and mobility problems.

However, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, you can control the disease to a certain extent by diet. And to help you get relief from the pain and facilitate travel, you should have an appropriate exercise plan in place.

Diet and exercise basics to deal with rheumatoid arthritis:

The fact that a person's joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis, it becomes imperative to keep the body in good shape, so that you are not disabled. In addition, it will help relieve the pain. One of the best ways to cope with rheumatoid arthritis is to have a proper diet and exercise routine.

When it comes to food, to ensure that each of you a lot of vegetables and reduce your intake of gluten. This is useful in reducing the symptoms of the disease. It was also found that patients who eat a lot of fish are greatly benefited. Taking supplements of fish oil has the same effect that the consumption of fish. You should avoid vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants and green peppers. The consumption of these vegetables can make your symptoms worse.

One of the best exercises for people with rheumatoid arthritis is swimming. Swimming is easy on the joints and can work on the entire body. Any exercise you do must be simple and easy motions. It is best to consult a physiotherapist who will advise you on what exercises are good for you depending on the distance of the disease has progressed .......

Arthritis Hands - The three different types of the disease

Arthritis Hands - The three different types of the disease

Arthritis of the hand is one of the most common forms of arthritis. Because the hand contains many joints, the risk of developing arthritis of the hands is higher than in other parts of the body. It is composed of two bones on each forearm, and nineteen bones of the hand still out eight small bones.

The most common types of arthritis of the hands are: post-traumatic (arthritis that occurs as a result of someone having an accident), rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The post-traumatic arthritis of hands

Post-traumatic is usually associated with pain control is passed by any pressure that caused the inflammation. This usually disappears after a while the swelling subsides, although in some cases where the injury was serious therapy or even hand surgery may be necessary.


Osteoarthritis of the hand is another type that is more likely to occur than the old approach. People 40 and older are the most frequent victims of osteoarthritis of the hand. Some studies suggest that low levels of vitamin K as a probable cause of osteoarthritis.

It is a degenerative disease, and years after diagnosis, it can often distort the movement more difficult to hand doing simple tasks using the most complicated hand.

The carpal-metacarpal joint called, found in the thumb is often the part of people with arthritic hands complain of. Small bones between each finger with cartilage covering the bone become irregular.


Another type of arthritis of the hands is the most complex rheumatoid arthritis. Here, the synovial tissues of the bone affect the hand which is enclosed by a cartilage. Inflammation in the tissue that normally prevents movement of fluid from the joint.

Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the hand usually also support arthritis in different parts of the body. Such as osteoarthritis, it is also more common for older people that just joined the effort accumulated over the years.

Fingers and wrist are common victims of this pain. crack the tendon can also be raised after a certain time to live with the symptoms. This can also distort your hand if inflammation spreads through the ligaments around the fabric.

Rheumatoid arthritis differs between patients. Others suffer from that for short periods of time and then lose all the symptoms completely, while others go through the pain following infinity with pain flaring at once. Then develop in some permanent damage that still hampers.

The symptoms of joint pain hands

Throbbing pain in the hand is the first symptom of arthritis of the hand. The swelling is also an accompaniment travel difficult. Mundane tasks such as grabbing or pinching becomes difficult. A squealing noise may also be noticed and deformed hand becomes apparent.

A thorough evaluation by an orthopedic doctor who will assess the severity of the hand should be established. The doctor usually subjects the patient to an x-ray and a blood test if the pain is obvious.

Possible for arthritis hands Remedies

There is no single cure for arthritis of the hand that could eventually eliminate the disease and prevent it from recurring. The most common solution is painkillers prescribed by doctors to relieve the patient's suffering. There are those who must take anti-inflammatory drugs are often already present in these painkillers. Steroids taken orally can also be another form while others require injections corticortisone the area affected by arthritis.

There are also specialists called rheumatologists can monitor your medication and therapy to give you instructions on proper management of your arthritis. This could be great because it can not respond directly to what drugs or exercise your arthritis pain is more comfortable.

Another way to treat arthritis is surgery. This is recommended for those suffering from an advanced stage of arthritis. There are different types of surgery for different types of arthritic problems.

hand surgeons fix cracks tendon graft or tendon transfer to the damaged area. Synovial membrane extraction, synthesis, replacement can be made. In extreme cases bone removal may be necessary. This just goes to show that arthritis of the hands is a serious disease, so if you think you may have, you should take action as soon as possible.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Arthritis It provides more information on topics such as hand arthritis [], the finger on the trigger [arthritis http://www.arthritis- finger.html] and arthritis in the thumb [] that you can research on his website even while lounging in your living room .......

How Hemp oil can help your arthritis

How Hemp oil can help your arthritis

There is a huge problem today with the huge number of people with arthritis in all its forms. It is said that more than half the population of this country who are over 60 or have osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis.

That the two forms of the disease are in reality I will not elaborate here, because it is a long and complex topic. But, arthritis is a form of inflammation that conventional medicine seems unable to answer.

Both are caused by what I call "bone and cartilage gravel", bone and cartilage fragments that are left in the joints after the body has started to degenerate, rubbing in the joints each time it moves. rubs This "gravel" on the nerve endings, causing pain, while at the same time creating more damage than the "gravel" continues to rub away more of the bone and cartilage. As of other words, a vicious that modern medicine can not solve circle.

But there are ways in the field of the other remedies that may, and I know of many cases that have been able to break this circle.

I recommend a daily capsule of hemp oil, or pure liquid, which is quite tasty, and can be taken with a spoon, should be considered long term. Hemp oil comes from the seeds of hemp food source most nutritionally complete in the world.

Take a hemp oil quality is the same for your body like putting oil in your car engine. It lubricates the system. Hemp is unique with an almost perfectly balanced profile of Omega 3, 6 and 9 to meet the needs of the organization.

Unique among common seed oil, it also contains GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and more unique, raises circulating GLA.

GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) research in the world have shown that hemp oil (as well as all the essential fatty acids) stimulates the body's natural ability to heal and also strengthens our immune system. The essential fatty acids in hemp are renowned for their ability to improve cell growth and organ function, vitality and mental state.

Extensive studies have shown that many common diseases (such as eczema, arthritis and other problems) are related to deficiencies or imbalances of specific fatty acids, especially Omega 3, 6 and 9 . The seeds of the plant cannabis sativa, hemp seed (not the drug factory!) Contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible, not more than essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet the nutritional needs of the human form.

Its characteristic nutty flavor makes it ideal for use in salad dressings, dips, etc., as an accompaniment to all vegetables, or taken straight, as a nutritional supplement.

Hemp oil is suitable for vegetarians and vegans .......

How a Hydropool hot tub can relieve pain associated with arthritis

How a Hydropool hot tub can relieve pain associated with arthritis

For many physical ailments and psychological disorders, hydrotherapy is the recommended treatment. Hot water used for hydrotherapy is especially very effective in the treatment of aches and pains in the body associated with many medical conditions. Hydrotherapy for arthritis patients is most commonly approved because it provides lasting pain relief and healing of joint disorders. Arthritis patients can benefit greatly from receiving hydrotherapy treatment in their home itself by buying a Hydropool bath.

How effective hydrotherapy?

Many medical researchers have studied the effects of hydrotherapy on arthritis patients and found that it really reduces the pain associated with arthritis caused by inflammatory agents in a few weeks of treatment. The heat of the water plays a major role in the healing process.

Hydrotherapy was more effective than any other method, such as Tai Chi, as well. Hydrotherapy has obviously improved physical performance and pain in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis. Of regular hydrotherapy sessions in the Hydropool are proven to improve and maintain the motion in the joints. It also restores the flexibility and strength in the patient so that further joint damage is prevented. The movement of water, massage jets and hot water all contribute to reducing the stress on the joints.

Buying a hot tub - Is it a good idea?

If you have an inherited ability to get arthritis or are in the early stages of the disease, you can benefit from hydrotherapy spa treatment. hydrotherapy in all stages of arthritis treatment is usually recommended by doctors. Buying a Hydropool bathtub for your home will eliminate the need to go to clubs or expensive treatment centers with tanks daily swim. With the bath, you can get treatment any time of the day the privacy of your own home.

Couples who have medical conditions that cause pain in the joints can use the hot tub. This will save a considerable amount of money. Bath tubs are not only beneficial for the aging and people with medical problems, but are also a great way to relax and de-stress after a hard day's work. Even the children thoroughly enjoy spending time in the bathtub. You can use any time of the year including the winter when the cold is particularly difficult to move because of arthritis.

Buying a Hydropool tub can be the best way to get treatment for a number of ailments. It can be a very good investment as it meets the needs of the whole family .....

The suffering of arthritis sufferers can find some relief in periodontal therapy

The suffering of arthritis sufferers can find some relief in periodontal therapy

It may seem strange how some diseases are related, but more research is done, we find these links exist. To rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease. Symptoms include pain, joint swelling and stiffness. Several studies on the link between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease have been made over the past decade. Perhaps the strongest statement made by one of the studies was to Australia and published in the Journal of Periodontology, "The results of this study provide further evidence of a significant association between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. "Researchers measured periodontitis using probing depths, attachment loss, bleeding scores, scores of the plate, and radiographic scores of bone loss. Their measures for rheumatoid arthritis include providing analysis joint, the swollen joint analysis, the index of pain, physician global assessment on a visual analogue scale questionnaire assessing health, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), and ESR.

In both diseases, inflammation destroys the soft and hard tissues. The inflammation is caused by toxins from bacterial infection. Even historically, some treatments for arthritis were pulling teeth or give antibiotics to patients to relieve their arthritis pain. Once the inflammation of their teeth was controlled, patients have improved. More recently, two studies in 2012 found that the number of teeth and individuals were more severe rheumatoid. On a normal 32 teeth, with fewer than 20 teeth were eight times more likely to have swollen joints.

As periodontal disease and other systemic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease. Chronic infection occurs in the blood by increasing levels of CRP. An inflammatory disease that produces high levels of CRP exacerbates the other. And this is also true with arthritis. And those with rheumatoid arthritis tend to have more periodontal disease. The treatment of periodontal disease often gives relief from arthritis. And arthritis treatment with antibiotics often improves gum disease. Further studies are underway to establish more quantitative data on the association between these two diseases. The once considered the myth is slowly being proven as a fact, periodontal disease affects the overall health.

The question is more complex than simply saying that arthritis causes periodontal disease or periodontal disease causes arthritis. However, it is clear that there is a link. And more importantly, providing the best possible oral care and get treatment if you have periodontal disease, will also have a positive impact on your arthritis and potentially reduce your pain .......

Prevention and relief of arthritis

Prevention and relief of arthritis

Approximately 50 million people in the United States have some form of arthritis. Arthritis is a general term that means inflammation of the joints and is often accompanied by symptoms such as redness, swelling, stiffness and pain.

There are over 100 types of arthritis osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the most common. The causes vary depending on the type of arthritis. However, in all arthritic conditions, joint degeneration involves certain biochemical processes that negatively affect the metabolism which is essential for maintaining healthy joints.

Common types of arthritis

Here is a brief explanation of some commonly diagnosed forms of arthritis:

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative arthritis or arthritis, wear and tear is the most common type of arthritis affecting more than 20 million Americans. Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the cartilage in a joint. Synovial fluid that keeps the seal lubricated and cushioned is typically reduced as well, eventually leading to abnormal bone changes. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This is not a systemic condition and spreads throughout the body. It affects only the joint (s) where degradation has occurred, the most frequent are the knees, hips, spine, hands and toes.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammatory disease which manifests itself in multiple joints of the body, especially the fingers, wrists, feet and ankles. It primarily affects the lining of the joints (synovium), causing erosion of cartilage and bone, and sometimes joint deformity. RA can also affect almost all other parts of the body. It is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. RA usually affects joints on both sides of the body equally and is often associated with stiffness and prolonged rest after fatigue.

Gouty arthritis is a metabolic disease of defective crystals of uric deposit in the small bones of the feet and acid is usually accompanied by acute pain. Uric acid is a metabolic product of fructose and purines (nitrogen compounds) present in meat and offal.

Juvenile arthritis refers to all types of arthritis that occur in children.

Adkylosing spondylitis affects the spine. Because of the inflammation, the bones of the spine grow together.

Fibromyalgia affects the muscles and attachments to the bone. It is most commonly found in women.

Infective or septic arthritis is the infection of one or more joints caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. In some cases, infectious arthritis may occur as a manifestation of Lyme disease, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected deer tick.
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory form of arthritis that is associated with the autoimmune skin disease called psoriasis.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that can inflame the skin, joints and connective tissue, kidneys, brain and other organs in the body.

Causes of Arthritis

Related causes inflammation of the joints depend on the form of arthritis. They can include:

Age: The older you are, the more likely you are to develop arthritis, especially osteoarthritis.

Autoimmunity: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis and lupus are examples of autoimmune diseases in which the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system.

Heredity: Scientists have discovered that the genetic marker HLA-DR4 is linked to rheumatoid arthritis and HLA-B27 in ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. Although the gene does not mean that you will absolutely get this form of arthritis, you can, if the conditions are met.

Infections: some forms of arthritis are the result of bacteria, viruses or fungi that can either cause or trigger the disease in susceptible individuals. Lyme arthritis comes from bacteria transmitted through the bite of a deer tick. Rheumatoid arthritis can be triggered by a virus in people with a certain genetic marker.

Metabolic disorders: gout, which affects mostly men, are the result of a defect in body chemistry, and in this case, the metabolism of uric acid.

Overuse: repetitive movements can put enormous pressure on the joints. An injury to another joint increases the chances of developing osteoarthritis in the joint.

Eat Right To Beat joint inflammation

Check food sensitivities

The researchers found that rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases are closely related to food sensitivities, one is gluten free. Gluten is a protein composite found in grains related to grass, such as wheat, rye, barley, spelled and kamut.

When the immune system misinterprets certain foods as "foreign" chemicals are released by immune cells to destroy the "invaders." As a result, inflammation and tissue damage occurs.

Overtime food sensitivities compromise the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa and lead to a condition called "leaky gut syndrome", whereby the molecules are generally too large to exit through the gastrointestinal lining escape into circulation blood, causing systemic inflammation and, in some cases, joint destruction.

If you suffer from autoimmune-related arthritis, you should get a blood test, as the test of a mediator release (test for IgG, IgM, C3, C4), food sensitivities. You can contact me if you need to do this test. Once you have determined your reactive foods, refrain from eating for 3-6 months. The best way to be sure that food is reactive again safe to eat is to challenge with three times a day for three consecutive days. If no adverse symptoms, you are more sensitive.

More omega-3, omega-6 Less

Cyclooxygenase or COX is an enzyme that regulates your body produces prostaglandins, which are mediators and messengers. There are two different enzymes COX - COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 is an enzyme that regulates prostaglandins that maintain the health of your stomach and kidneys. COX-2 is an enzyme created when there is inflammation.

When you take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and inflammation, inhibits the production of COX-2, thus reducing the pain and speed healing. However, a side effect of NSAIDs is that it also inhibits the COX-1. Since COX-1 keeps your stomach lining healthy and affects blood clotting, NSAIDs tend to cause stomach irritation and ulcers.

Fortunately, there is a non-drug way to reduce your inflammation. Researchers have learned that the COX-2 enzymes become active and cause more inflammation when you take too fatty acids omega-6 relative to omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

Omega-6 fatty acids are abundantly found in corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower and vegetable oils, cottonseed. Beware that many processed foods, snack foods, fried foods and food are prepared with these oils, if you want to keep the consumption of these products to a minimum.

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are fatty cold water fish such as Alaskan salmon, anchovies, sardines, herring and meat from grass-fed animals. Numerous studies have shown that omega-3 are remarkably effective against disorders related to inflammation, including arthritis.

Finally, you should never use canola oil, but it was marketed as "heart healthy" and is higher in omega-3 and less omega-6. The reason is that canola does not come from a plant, but instead, the plant GM canola. In addition, a recent study indicates that canola contributes to vitamin E, a vitamin that is essential for a healthy heart.

Eat your vegetables

Have generous servings of vegetables each day. They are low in sugar and full of antioxidants that help reduce tissue damage from inflammation.

However, if you have arthritis, you should avoid nightshade vegetables (eggplant, all kinds of peppers, white potatoes, and tomatoes). They contain a substance called solanine, which some people are very sensitive. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles and can cause pain and discomfort.

Other nutrients for joint health


Belongs to a group of natural pigments of the carotenoid family. sea ​​creatures with a red or pink color, such as salmon, lobster, shrimp and crab get this color scheme of krill and other small organisms that feed on the algae rich in astaxanthin and plankton.
Research has shown that astaxanthin is the strongest natural antioxidant known. It is several times more powerful than vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, lutein, or pycnogenol. However, you need a higher than what you normally get seafood to reap the benefits concentration.
Astaxanthin is a very effective remedy for joint pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
If you have arthritis, starting with 2 mg per day and gradually build up to 8-10 mg per day. Make sure your supplement astaxanthin is derived from seaweed and not synthetic.
Vitamin D

cartilage loss, one of the hallmarks of osteoarthritis is associated with low levels of vitamin D. If you have joint pain due to osteoarthritis, get a blood test for your level of vitamin D. The optimum is between 50-70 ug / ml.

Provides joints with the building blocks they need to help repair the wear and tear on the cartilage.
Takes a few months to build enough to see a benefit. If you have arthritis, you should take 2-3 grams per day.
Many supplements are glucosamine with chondroitin and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Studies on the effectiveness of chondroitin and MSM have been inconclusive.
Glucosamine supplements are still attached to salt. If your body is sensitive to salt, you should be careful with it.
Most of glucosamine on the market comes from shellfish. If you are allergic to shellfish, you should avoid.
Some studies have shown that glucosamine may increase the levels of blood sugar in some people. If you are diabetic, you should be very careful.
Tart cherry juice concentrate

The most effective gouty arthritis. Drink several tablespoons per day.
Exercise to keep joints healthy and flexible

Exercise is a must when you have arthritis. It helps to strengthen muscles, increase joint flexibility and improve your overall sense of well-being. If you have not been exercising regularly, start slowly and build up to higher activity levels to prevent injury. Avoid strenuous activities that can deform the affected joint (s).

Your goal is to keep moving forward and commit to regular exercise that includes three types of activities:

flexibility exercises (such as stretching, tai chi, yoga)
weights to strengthen the surrounding muscles that support and protect the joint (s)
of aerobic exercise (such as walking, swimming, stationary cycling)
If you have severe pain with movement, you should consider working with a physical therapist or a qualified personal trainer who can develop an effective training program and safe for you.

Lose weight if you are overweight

One of the benefits of exercise is its ability to help you achieve and maintain your ideal weight. Arthritis rates are more than twice as high in obese people as those of normal weight. If you are overweight or obese, you have a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis risk. Each additional pound of body weight increases the compressive load on your knees by about four pounds. Fat cells also produce cytokines which are proteins that promote inflammation. The more fat cells you have, the more inflammation in the body.

Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Metabolic Typing Advisor. She holds a master's degree in nutrition and is the founder of counseling CC, LLC Health. His passion in life is to stay healthy and help others become healthy. She believes that a key ingredient to optimal health is to eat a diet that is good for their specific body type. Eating organic or eating healthy is not enough to ensure good health. The truth is that there is not a diet that is good for everyone. Our metabolisms are different, so if our diet. Carol specializes in Metabolic Typing, helping clients find the right diet for their metabolic type. To learn more about Metabolic Typing, her nutrition consulting firm, and how to get a free phone consultation ......

Food can help rheumatoid arthritis Through a Leaky Gut - The Gut-Joint Axis

Food can help rheumatoid arthritis Through a Leaky Gut - The Gut-Joint Axis

Food often blamed for food allergies and sensitivity reactions are also believed to cause or contribute to inflammatory conditions and autoimmune diseases. These common foods are likely to make it through an inflammation of the intestine causing leaky gut process. This injury, particularly in genetically susceptible individuals, and in the context of altered gut bacteria (dysbiosis), and immune stress probably represents more inflammation and intestinal permeability. This vicious circle is thought to allow food-protein complex toxic bacteria enter the body resulting in a variety of inflammatory conditions and / or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis body. A new study sheds additional light on the relationship of food intolerance in rheumatoid arthritis is considered in this context.

Researchers from Norway in 2006, published in the British journal Gut additional new evidence of the link between food and rheumatoid arthritis. Bradtzaeg professor and his colleagues at the Institute of Pathology in Oslo measured IgG, IgA and IgM to food. The measured these antibodies in the blood and gut water in people with rheumatoid arthritis compared to healthy people.

The researchers conducted blood tests and intestinal fluid antibodies to food antigens following: gliadin, oats, cow's milk protein (casein, lactalbumin, lactoglobulin), soybeans, pork, eggs and cod ( ovalbumin). These foods are in the top 10 of the most common food allergens and intolerances food proteins.

What they found was "particularly striking (incidence) cross reactive food antibodies in secretions from the proximal gastrointestinal tract" and the increase in IgM antibodies to some of these foods in the blood. Results in the blood were less striking in the intestinal secretions. This is consistent with the difficulty in finding antibodies in the blood to foods in people with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune / inflammatory diseases, despite a lot of experience and anecdotal regime elimination support the role of food in these conditions. Interestingly, antibody tests Dr. Ken beautiful stool may be on to something.

The results, in their opinion, indicate that the measurement of antibodies in the blood to foods in rheumatoid arthritis provides little information on the role of food in rheumatoid arthritis. However, intestinal antibodies did not show a pattern of "striking" level corresponding to adverse immune reactions to food, but there seems to be a potential cumulative effect of several foods. In other words, not only certain foods can trigger an abnormal immune response resulting in joint inflammation, but the combination of several food problem can be a key element here. Their results confirm the connection activation of mucosal (intestine) free from cross-reacting foods rheumatoid arthritis in at least a few people.

What does that mean? These data support the concept and experience of many people that the elimination of certain food combinations problem may be beneficial in preventing or reducing inflammation of the joints. This is both exciting and intriguing.

Many foods commonly consumed frequently associated with food allergies and sensitivities may contribute to inflammatory conditions and / or autoimmune disease. These common issues or their food lectins are likely to contribute to the process of inflammation of the intestine. This is probably the cause of injury to the intestine causing leaky gut. This injury and intestinal permeability, especially in genetically predisposed individuals may, under the altered gut bacteria (dysbiosis), predispose to further injury. This then allows the entry of the toxic food protein complex (lectin)-bacteria in the body, especially the bloodstream. This results in inflammatory and / or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

This gut-axis joint is likely that the same mechanism that the brain-gut axis and the axis gut-skin that produce a myriad of symptoms and diseases that we see now. The food associated protein (lectin)-bacteria immune responses of the intestine are increasingly blamed for the development of a multitude of diseases.

Much remains to be learned, but it is interesting to note that some foods continue to appear as the usual suspects. These foods or lectins problem are cereals (especially wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn), dairy (casein), Solanaceae (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers) and peanuts, soybeans and other legumes. Plans to limit or eliminate these foods have been reported to be beneficial for many symptoms and diseases. However, the final links are difficult to establish because of the limitations of scientific research.

The food in question are usually limited in some way in a variety of schemes such as the elimination gluten-free/casein free diet, diet naked, paleolithic / hunter-gatherer or caveman diets, the arthritis diet, diet low in carbohydrates, anti-inflammatory diet, and six food elimination diet.

The Paleolithic Diet or Hunter-Gatherer specifically recommends restricting grains, dairy and legumes. Various anti-inflammatory diets and arthritis usually recommend eliminating wheat or gluten, dairy and nightshade. The dietary approach to autism is commonly called a casein-free diet, gluten free.

Despite lay public reports great success with such elimination diets, traditional medicine continues to be slow to investigate the dietary treatment of the disease. However, especially in the last two to three years more studies are emerging showing the links supporting an important role of food and bacteria in the intestine and various autoimmune diseases .......

Psoriasis Arthritis Information

Psoriasis Arthritis Information
It's bad enough when you get a form of arthritis. There is redness and swelling of the joints and mild to extreme pain that you get at the smallest movement. In its advanced stages, it can be so debilitating, it is difficult just to get out of bed in the morning.

That said, how would you not only have this terrible disease, but another major problem to go with it? If you are one of those unfortunate people to get the psoriasis arthritis can give you exactly that. Not only will your swollen and painful joints to move, but the skin around them is covered with psoriasis dry, flaky and painful.

People who develop this disease are usually the first signs of psoriasis. It is a slow process and it may be a few years before you start to get arthritis with psoriasis. However, in some people, it is known to take a few months for the transition of having a disease to have two.

Approximately 70-75% of individuals who develop the disease have warning signs that need to be monitored for. Usually it starts with problems with your fingers and / or toes. Most people begin to notice their nails have pits or ridges and may discolor. The nails can also begin to break easily and begin to detach from the skin. If you have any of these problems, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. If you can catch this disease early and getting treatment, there is a good possibility that you can avoid a full blown episode of arthritis psoriasis. This could save years of frustration, pain, and even worse you.

Although it is not limited to these areas, the joints most commonly affected by this disease are the extremities such as the toes and fingers. Once argued that will not only painful, but the skin around the joints affected by turn blue or purple area and can be hot to the touch.

If you left your psoriasis arthritis get enough advanced you will probably need the help of both a specialist in arthritis and a skin specialist or a dermatologist. If you are only in the beginning phases and has not reached your joints, try to see a good dermatologist as soon as you can. If they can not properly diagnose and treat psoriasis, it can keep going into your joints.

At present there is no known arthritis psoriasis quick fix, but there is much ongoing research on the disease. It is thought that genetics may play an important role for those who are likely to have this form of arthritis. It is also known that it has something to do with the immune system of the car body is not working properly.

Anyone interested in learning more about the different forms of arthritis and how to treat them may want to visit our website, which will include an article on the treatment of psoriasis arthritis. There is a huge amount of informative articles on the site about how your diet can help or hurt your arthritis pain .......

Diets for arthritis

Diets for arthritis

There are two basic categories that can be used to classify diets for arthritis. The first focuses on what foods you should avoid with the objective of maintaining episodes of arthritis at bay. The second focuses on the dietary guidelines that are supposed to relieve arthritis pain by the nutrients found in these foods. In this post, we'll examine the two types of diets for arthritis so that patients can choose foods that are best for them.

Foods to avoid if you suffer from arthritis. The exact foods to avoid when you have arthritis depend ultimately on the exact type of arthritis you have. There are over 100 known variants of arthritis each caused by different factors. It is therefore important to understand the underlying mechanism for your condition by taking the time to visit your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.

Once you are sure of the type of arthritis at work, you can kiss diets for arthritis that focus on prevention. Among the foods that doctors strongly recommend arthritis patients avoid include red meat with a high purine content, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, grapefruit and mandarin, vegetables that are considered part of the nightshade family, including potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant and drinks that are high in caffeine and sugar.

In theory, the active ingredients in many of these foods promote inflammation that can trigger an attack of arthritis. A particularly compelling example can be found with gout and wheat whose high uric acid content of wheat finally crystallizes and deposits in joints triggering very painful episodes of arthritis pain. These diets for arthritis center mainly on the prevention of inflammation and then there is no exhaustive lists that identify conclusively that may cause pain for all patients, there are quite a few food sources that generated the universal contempt for most individuals.

Foods to eat when you have arthritis. On the other hand, many schemes for arthritis focus on the promotion of foods that have proven anti-inflammatory qualities. These sources of foods contain substances that have been identified as capable of neutralizing the effect of inflammation in the body thereby reducing the number of attacks and the severity of the pain.

Examples of foods that are featured in many diets for arthritis are those that have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, herring, sardines, nuts and soya oil extra virgin olive which contains many essential and healthy oils, foods with high vitamin C content other than citrus and that includes cauliflower and broccoli, cherries, and green tea.

Each of these foods are known to contain substances that fight the inflammatory symptoms, helping to manage the attacks of arthritis. Green tea, for example, is rich in a substance known as epigallocathechin-3-gallate name that has detoxifying qualities that inflammatory chemicals and drain the blood. Drinking green tea regularly until 3 or 4 cups a day can significantly help patients win the war on arthritis pain.

Diets for arthritis are not fully understood in the way that they prevent or launch attacks of arthritis, but significant progress has been made to suggest that diet plays a role in many cases of arthritis. By paying attention to what foods you should avoid and foods that a patient should be added to their diet, the frequency and severity of arthritis can be improved. This is a good thing because every person with arthritis knows that even the smallest amount of pain can go a long way towards easing their suffering from a disease which currently has a cure.

If you want to know more about diets for arthritis sure and visit our website that has a huge amount of information ....

Do you suffer from menopause and arthritis?

Do you suffer from menopause and arthritis?

Climb to a life free from arthritis of the menopause

Recent studies have shown that women in the late forties and early fifties show signs of arthritis of the menopause - a form of arthritis triggered by menopause. Was it not enough that focused on menopause, hot flashes, night sweats and a variety of aches and pains that kept a woman the night, arthritis menopause was added to the list? The thought of a flight of stairs makes you want to escape and makes you want to move to a more comfortable apartment, but low to the ground floor.

But before you start looking to adapt your lifestyle to adapt to this new phenomenon, to understand what is happening with your body first.

Understand what arthritis

Osteoarthritis or arthritis is a common complaint of women in the age group between thirty to fifty years. Arthritis is caused by wear of the cartilage around the joints. As this wear is progressive arthritis is usually a complaint of persons belonging to an older age group.

Arthritis Menopause - What is the link between the two?

Arthritis has always been a complaint with women than men. The logic linking hormone menopause with arthritis seems to be the hormone estrogen. When a woman's ovaries stop producing eggs during menopause the body undergoes hormonal imbalances. In particular, levels of the hormone in the body of a woman start to reduce. The researchers blamed for arthritis on estrogen for the following reasons:

路 The onset of arthritis to double the number of women than of men suggests that the trigger arthritis must have a certain hormone exclusive to the female body

路 pregnant women experienced symptoms of arthritis stronger than the average woman. A pregnant woman is also known to have higher levels of estrogen

There are many causes that trigger arthritis. While estrogen leads the race in this case, there are other changes in the female body that affect arthritis. During menopause, due to hormonal imbalances, a woman is prone to gain more weight. Weight gain adds more pressure on the knees, causing more wear on the cartilage.

In addition to estrogen, there are other hormones in the body of a woman who know the imbalance caused by menopause. The secretion of these hormones causes tissue and cartilage around the joints deteriorate faster.

Arthritis of the menopause can it be avoided?

There is no foolproof plan that will keep you free from the grip of arthritis menopause. However, the onset of arthritis can be avoided by taking simple, but easy steps:

路 applying topical hormone creams on the aches and pains that start early may delay the onset of arthritis. These creams are designed to balance estrogen levels in the body and thus help alleviate the pain caused by inflammation

路 regulating your diet and the transition to a gluten-free diet will ensure that you are over weight and add more pressure on your knees earn, easy wear of the tissues around the joints of the knee. Weight gain also affect other joints of the knee also, like the back, ankles and wrists

路 Use a mild anti-inflammatory cream for perimenopause delays the onset of arthritis menopause

路 using supplements to strengthen bones at an early age, prevents the early onset of arthritis

Menopause herbs that can help with arthritis

There are also home remedies you can use when you first start experiencing pain in your joints. Indian researchers have placed great faith in the practice of Ayurveda and the use of medicinal herbs to relieve pain that lead to arthritis caused by menopause.

路 Boswellia - an Indian herb with no side effects stops the inflammation in the joints and release of biochemical substances that cause pain. Many women who have used this herb during perimenopause menopause had no joint pain and back

路 Turmeric - Turmeric is a miracle plant in India. The uses of turmeric are vast and varied, mainly used as an antiseptic to treat wounds, turmeric is known for curcumin reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Application of turmeric paste on painful joints reduces pain

路 Cayenne - more popularly known as a spice, Cayenne contains capsaicin, which acts as a soothing analgesic on joint pain. Capsaicin actually encourages the body to release its own hormones responsible for pain relief

Although arthritis menopause is a painful truth, most women have to deal with, it should not become a way of life. There are natural and medical means to prolong the onset of arthritis and face his precocity. The transition to a more healthy diet and taking care of your body to an earlier age will help you have a more comfortable menopause and painlessly.

In conclusion, the best management practices arthritis or one of the other 34 menopause symptoms is to take a proactive approach to staying healthy, eating a clean, adding more fiber per day for every meal, less fat and sugar, and exercise at least 30 minutes every day .......

Useful tips for treating painful arthritis

Useful tips for treating painful arthritis

Early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis can help patients improve their mobility and delay or get rid of the negative effects of arthritis. If diagnosed early, arthritis is a manageable disease. Do not let this joint disease restrict your joie de vivre. You have the power to control your health and live a normal life in spite of arthritis if you know the best ways to manage painful arthritis.

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues and is the most common cause of disability for millions of people suffering from this chronic disease. There are over a hundred types of arthritis that causes joint pain, swelling and stiffness. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is also known as wear and tear arthritis. Arthritis is often associated with older people, but the majority of people with arthritis are aged 18-64. This means that most people with arthritis are still in the workforce. The impact of this disease on patients and their families is too important to be ignored. It affects quality of life, including work performance and mobility in everyday life. Learn the best ways to manage painful arthritis as early as possible is important because the unmanageable arthritis can increase your risk of losing mobility and develop other health problems. People suffering from joint pain tend to be physically inactive and inactivity can lead to other health problems like heart disease and obesity. The lack of movement of the joint can also aggravate arthritis. Management of painful arthritis is important to slow the progression of arthritis and prevent other health problems. There are things you can do to reduce the pain and prevent the loss of mobility. The following tips can be very useful in the management of painful arthritis.

Maintain an appropriate weight. In the management of painful arthritis you need to maintain an ideal weight. If you are on the heavy side you have arthritis, you need to lose weight. Weight reduction prevents the progression of arthritis and reduces your risk of developing other forms of arthritis. Obesity is a major risk factor in the development of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. Being overweight puts more stress on weight-bearing joints resulting in increased pain. There are many ways to lose weight. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you find it difficult to lose weight on your own. Choosing a weight loss program that will work for you and stick to it. Losing weight is not something you can do overnight. It takes a lot of patience and dedication to achieve your ideal weight. But if you really want to improve your condition, stick to your weight loss program you have reached your ideal weight.

Live a physically active life. People with arthritis tend to be less physically active than prevent painful joints to keep an active lifestyle. But research shows that a physically active lifestyle can improve mobility, reduce arthritis pain and reduce the risk of developing other illnesses or health problems such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and anxiety. Maintaining an active lifestyle will also help you to develop other forms of arthritis. Participate in moderate physical activity that you find enjoyable as walking and swimming to avoid the lack of movement of the joint. In the management of arthritis pain you should stop living a sedentary lifestyle and start living a more physically active lifestyle. Regular physical activities or exercises are not only good for your arthritis, but also for your overall health.

Seek professional help. People with arthritis are often reluctant to seek medical attention because of the belief that arthritis is an inevitable condition brought by aging and they believe that nothing can be done to improve their condition. This is a bad idea because there are many strategies for managing painful arthritis and relieve its debilitating effects. The progression of arthritis can be prevented and people with arthritis can still enjoy their lives if their condition is treated and managed as soon as possible. Proper diagnosis and early action is essential to effectively manage arthritis .......

Arthritis and Back Treatment

Arthritis and Back Treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA), degenerative joint disease (DJD), degenerative arthritis, osteophytes, osteoarthritis, arthritis, hypertrophy, sclerosis, stenosis, sciatica, drying - and several other scary words , all boil down to one word - arthritis.

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The word comes from the Greek "arthro" for joint and the suffix "itis" indicates the pathology of inflammatory conditions (bronchitis, gastritis, neuritis, etc..) Thus, arthritis means an inflamed joint. Inflammation is itself part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues evolved to help begin the process of healing any irritated or injured tissue, including an increased number of white blood cells in the injured area movement. Whatever the type of arthritis, the most common of all arthritic symptoms include varying degrees of pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.

The diagnosis and treatment of a painful joint, swollen and stiff depends on its etiology (cause, origin). Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system begins to attack the body and destroy body tissues, bone cells not only the joints, but also many other parts of the body. Gouty arthritis is a metabolic disorder resulting in a deposit of uric acid crystals in the joint causing inflammation usually the first metatarsal and big toe joint. Even syphilis, a highly contagious bacterial STD, results in damage to arthritic joints in subsequent phases. Of course, the treatment of each of these different because the immune system disorders, metabolic disorders and infections are different causes, and there are many other types and causes of arthritis. However, the most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is sometimes called "wear and tear" arthritis - a mechanical disorder, also requiring different treatment. Any joint of the body is potentially subjected to abnormal mechanical stress, repetitive or excessive (injury) that could cause wear of the cartilage and bone, although the weight-bearing joints of the spine, hip and knee are more stressed and therefore more common. Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD). When applied to the spine, the use of these terms generally involves multiple arthritic changes found in several vertebral levels.

Bone spurs

It is easy to assume that if the bones are "catching up" or "rub evil" or a myriad of other phrases that patients use to describe the wear and they feel about these joints which ultimately bone to wear down or wear out but, in fact, under mechanical stress, the opposite occurs. Remember, bone is a living tissue and like other living tissue such as the skin on the palm of a hand, for example, it will accumulate when you are mechanically stressed. A buildup of skin cells we call a ruthless. Abnormal or excessive mechanical stress of the bone reacted in the same manner as does the skin - an initial inflammatory reaction, followed by metabolic repair and accumulation of bone cells. Accumulation of bone cells called bone spurs or osteophytes. What confuses the issue is that arthritis (pain, swelling and stiffness) caused by many immune disorders, metabolic disorders and infectious diseases often result in net destruction of existing bone cells, not the formation of additional bone cells as occurs with mechanical stress. Regardless of the pathogenesis (cause) the resulting pain, swelling and stiffness feel the same.

Obviously, a single bone cell or a molecule of calcium alone can not be detected by x-ray but also the accumulation increased density area that presents the X-ray as a brilliant white is visible. At the beginning of the so-called sclerosis (hardening), and it is the same root word from which we get arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, but later these molecules continue to accumulate calcium, they eventually become sufficiently numerous to form bone spurs or osteophytes visible. This accumulation of bone joints which occur such that the facets at the rear of the vertebrae is known as osteoarthritis, and where the ligaments fixed to the bone spondylosis. Often the supporting ligaments of the joints affected are themselves to be stressed and rather than weaken as one might initially assume that they actually get stronger by the multiplication of these cells too called hypertrophy. All this is triggered by the inflammatory reaction resulting in different levels of pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. Many different names that all boil down to one word - arthritis, the same cause - the mechanical stress.

From bad to worse

The normal joint movement has been restricted and is still inhibited by the reluctance of the patient to the moving force (exercise), an already painful joint. All this has a devastating effect on the intervertebral discs that depend on normal movement, which acts as a pumping action to circulate fluid through them. Less movement equals less pumping and the result is an insidious (gradual) drying (drying) of the intervertebral disc (s). As the disc is dry and dry, it does not take long to lose altitude results in the vertebrae become closer. A dry thin disk can not properly do its job of absorbing shock and allowing proper spinal motion segments compounding the stress on the joint and the acceleration of the degenerative process. The lost due to thinning added to ligaments thickening (hypertrophy) and growth of calcium deposits disk space results in a narrowing of the channels through which pass the spinal cord (the central channel) and from which the exit spinal nerve roots (from the neural foramen). This narrowing is called spinal stenosis.

Before long, the outer fibers dry, brittle (annular fibers) disk weaken and tear (annular tear) to the interior (core) of the disc to bulge (hernia or exceed) the channels already narrowed place to compression nerve root (pinched nerve). And now, there is not only the pain, swelling and stiffness of vertebral joints involved, but also pain along the path of the pinched nerve (neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica).

Spinal Decompression Treatment

In the past, a patient suffering from this degenerative process is usually given painkillers or injections, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for physical therapy, and when they were not progressing, they were sent for surgery spinal or simply told to learn to live with it. Since 2001, when the FDA finally approved therapy non-surgical spinal decompression, there is new hope for those suffering from degenerative joint disease. Spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment performed on a special computer-controlled comparable in some respects to a table of ordinary traction table. Level single disk is isolated and using cycles of tension and relaxation throughout specific treatment, with good positioning, negative pressure can actually be created in the disk. It works by gently separating the offending disc 5 to 7 mm creating a negative pressure (or vacuum) inside the disc to pull water, oxygen and nutrients into the disc, which re- hydration of a degenerate and providing nutrients needed to heal the torn fibers and halt the degenerative process disk. As the disc is rehydrated shock absorbing properties are restored and the stress on the joint is reduced and the inflammation subsides. Many times, much of the headroom can be restored as well. Now a normal life can be resumed.


Dr. Michael L. Hall, DC practices at Triangle Disc Care in Raleigh, North Carolina specializing in spinal decompression for the treatment of acute and chronic neck and back pain due to herniated discs, degenerated discs. This is a conservative procedure for patients suffering from bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, the posterior facet syndrome, sciatica, did back surgery syndrome, and unspecified mechanical low back or neck pain .......

Modern and ergonomic arthritis AIDS

Modern and ergonomic arthritis AIDS

If you have arthritis and do daily tasks can often seem like a daunting task. Gardening, walking, cooking, bathing and computer are all things that we take for granted, but they are terribly difficult for people with arthritis. Fortunately, there are ergonomic elements available to help facilitate these tasks.

What ergonomic arthritis AIDS?

Ergonomic, as they relate to equipment, means it is designed to reduce the discomfort and / or pain, improving accessibility. For example, if you struggle to open jars and ergonomic jar opener would do the work for you while relieving stress and strain on your hands and wrists. Everyone loves a good gimmick, but while for some, they might be fun novelty items for people with arthritis these gadgets can make a real difference in their lives.

Kitchen aids for arthritis

Cooking can be hard when you find it impossible to handle, open jars. Ergonomic cutlery is available with large handles, soft, easy to grasp if you have better control. Can and jar openers solve these wrestling matches to open the lid and you can even get some pots and knives inclined to reduce the pressure on the wrist. Other useful gadgets include ergonomic scissors, pliers, mugs and even kettles which are designed to ease the pressure of swollen joints and improve grip and control. There is even a tool to reach and grip that allows you to recover anything on the ground or of a high shelf.

Ergonomic Gardening AIDS

How do you fancy weeding while never having to bend? Or plant bulbs without having to squat? Many gardening sites offer ergonomic gardening tools that improve decision yet, eliminate the need to bend or squat and make life so much easier in the garden.

Domestic helpers for arthritis

Simple tasks such as turning a key can be a challenge, but there are so many gadgets that you can use at home to help with these simple tasks. Key turners attach to keys and are specially designed for people with arthritis in the fingers or hands. Similarly, if you find buttoning or using closures a chore, you can get button and slide hooks to help. There are even gadgets that bother putting on shoes and socks. Arthritis aids such as these combine to take some of the pain on a very painful condition .......

ATM and Arthritis

ATM and Arthritis

In about 5 percent of all cases, of which there are 35 million in the United States alone, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Dysfunction or TMD (disorder TMJ) may be the result of one of many different arthritic conditions. The most common of these, called osteoarthritis, causes a degeneration of cartilage and bone in the joint TM, as it does in many other joints (eg hands and knees) in the body. Although it can be caused by severe trauma to the joint, it is most often caused by repeated use, such as regular chewing hard foods or opening the mouth too wide, or simply age-related deterioration. It usually occurs bilaterally - that is, also on both sides of the mouth. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a chronic inflammation of the joint, such as osteoarthritis, it can affect the ATM in the same way it affects other joints, but it does not need be present bilaterally. Ankylosis (fusion of the jaw joint) may occur in advanced cases. When infectious arthritis is the cause, damage to the joint tends to increase as the disease progresses.

Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction arthritis depends strongly on the type of arthritis involved, but some of them include painful swelling of the joint, limited range of motion of the jaw or a change in its position at the movement, and a number of annoying sounds, including crackling, clicking, scraping or grinding when the mouth is open or closed.

The diagnosis of most types of arthritis TMD is to examine the scope of the jaw movement and determining the integrity of the bone through the use of X-rays, CT or MRI, arthroscopy or minimally invasive. In the latter, a range of optical fiber is inserted directly into the joint to see the damage directly. Arthrocentesis may also be a useful technique, especially when the infection is the cause. It involves the insertion of a syringe into the interior of the joint, and the removal and analysis of the fluid dampens it.

Often, the pain and discomfort that comes with a TM arthritic joint can be relieved by self-care treatments similar to those used for other arthritic conditions. For example, the rest of the joint can help relieve pressure on the injured muscles. It can be a soft diet, taking small bites and applying warm, moist compresses to the painful area. It can be also manage your stress levels in order not to tighten or cringe. splints mouth, those worn on the teeth, can also help you avoid tension and manage your symptoms. Other options include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and physical therapy that uses gentle exercises jaws.

If the joint is particularly painful, or if the damage is considerable, dentist or other health care professional may choose to inject steroids directly into the joint space to relieve pain. There is a downside though - you can not inject the region a limited number of times, as steroids can have adverse side effects.

Surgery is usually the last option, but it may be appropriate if the symptoms of arthritic degeneration of bone and cartilage do not respond to more conventional treatments and less invasive. Surgery does not cure the disease, but it can repair some of the damage to the joints and relieve the symptoms that result. Today, most surgery is performed on the TM joint arthroscopy - that is, it uses tiny instruments and optical fibers to allow the doctor to view and repair the joint. It is less invasive than open surgery, and therefore, there is less scarring and a shorter recovery.

In the case of infectious arthritis, treatment may include antibiotics (penicillin G mainly), redness of the affected area, the pain control using a variety of drugs, and restricted jaw movement up the healing takes place. Exercises jaw opening can be used once the infection is cleared to increase range of motion.

The face seal can be affected by arthritis, as well as any joint in the body, it is not surprising that it is one of the causes of TMJ dysfunction. If you feel pain, tightness, or limited range of motion in your jaw, talk to your dentist or other health care professional, who can diagnose the exact cause of the problem and ensure that you receive appropriate treatment to correct .......

Damage to fighting arthritis remedies against using pain natural arthritis

Damage to fighting arthritis remedies against using pain natural arthritis

Arthritis is a horrible disease Anything that causes pain in the joint of the body. When I say O, I mean all these areas in the body where two bones associates: as the wrists, elbows, knees, shoulders or hips, while allowing us to be mobile.

As we age, our bodies are worn, and the damage caused to the joints of the thesis thus em weakening and causing the person to cause pain and stiffness, less movement, instability and suffering physical deformity. To help solve theses combat pain relief natural arthritis can be given to patients.

Understanding Arthritis

As people age, they naturally grow weak and significant damage to ARRIVE Their bones and joints All results in pain and stiffness. The term arthritis is used to signify the pain and pain in the muscles, bones and joints.

The effect of arthritis on the lives of those who suffer from pain that is huge, which makes it extremely difficult for 'em to move, and therefore no natural arthritis relief they are unable to perform the most mundane of tasks performed daily bread.

People suffering from arthritis and other bone problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other symptoms of arthritis will find it a barrier to perform simple tasks: such as walking, driving, or even Brushing teeth with a computer.

When we think of arthritis patients, most of the time, it's an old person goes through our mind, this is not always order the box. Although this disease is most common in people over 60 years, it is in groups of all ages, including children and infants. This is why most people prefer a pain relief natural arthritis as opposed to pharmaceutical drugs with heavy doses of chemicals.

At times, arthritis coincides with a similar disease called arthritis expired, but there are differences SOME everything that most people do not realize. Arthritis affects the muscles, tendons, cartilage and ligaments Besides affecting the joints. At the same time, internal aussi body areas are affected by this disease, so taking a natural arthritis relief is the bread of the utmost importance.

Types of Arthritis

Arthritis has many different forms, where bread is not only for joints goal of a person other areas too, including skin, breast, eyes, lungs, kidneys or elsewhere on the body.

There are over 100 different types of medical terms related to arthritis, for all of everything from pain natural arthritis is available. Apart from these the two most common kinds are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. I'll give a brief explanation of 'em:

Rheumatoid arthritis: This type of arthritis causes inflammation of the joints. It is a kind of autoimmune condition All that means clustering that affect the defense system of our body against fonctionnement correctly. Rheumatoid arthritis is the result of the body's immune system attacks the lining attached, causes it to decompose and become inflamed.
Not only does this affect seals and bones, goal aussi body organs are not spared. Review: The most common members are attacked by this rheumatoid arthritis in the hands and feet. Women tend to get these more serious conditions than men.

Osteoarthritis: This type of arthritis occurs when the joint cartilage is lost due to wear. Osteoarthritis is mainly the result of the old town and directly affects the hips, knees and fingers.
Other types include gout, lupus, juvenile arthritis (arthritis in children), viral hepatitis (liver), ankylosing spondylitis (spine), scleroderma (skin) and fibromyalgia (muscle).
Arthritis Symptoms

A patient is diagnosed with arthritis when they complain of any type of arthritis pain: such as pain, attached stiffness, inflammation or swelling. Inflamed joint will have a red color and appear to be soft, warm feeling while touching. In addition, Will aussi patients experience insomnia, fatigue, depression and muscle breads.

The symptoms of this disease may emerge gradually over time gold Suddenly both. Doctors perform various tests, including X-rays and blood tests to identify the extent and types of arthritis. Once the severity of the conditions is known, a natural arthritis relief is recommended to help fight the pain of the disease.

Arthritis causes

Review: The most common factoring leading to arthritis pain are age, genetics, obesity, nutritional deficiencies, trauma or combined stress, immune or metabolic disorders and occupational hazards : such as jobs involving heavy construction.

Arthritis Treatment

There are many conventional medications that can reduce arthritis pain, the goal most of them have serious side effects. And since arthritis is such a requirement that ICT drug is taken over a long period of time, it is more patients prefer drugs are more natural because they do not have adverse effects on patients .

More and more doctors now refer aussi patients for pain relief natural arthritis, because it gives better results while a soft light and efficient solution.

Pain relief natural arthritis remedies include herbal and homeopathic and contains glucosamine as an ingredient. Glucosamine is an agent of world renowned for the repair of cartilage attached affected by arthritis pain while preserving mobility attached. Another major ingredient found in pain relief natural arthritis Boswellia is all that is a natural element used to reduce inflammation.

Another natural alfalfa grass is anything that reduces arthritis pain without side effects. Patients can try another trick Notices for pain relief natural arthritis: Rub a mixture of cayenne pepper and oil on the affected area ..........

FAQ on arthritis of the thumb

FAQ on arthritis of the thumb

Degenerative arthritis of the thumb is one of the most common types of arthritis of the hand. It usually strikes the base of the thumb, where it meets the wrist. This town, known as the common name carpometacarpal (CMC) is a very mobile joint that allows movement in all directions. It is also a strong joint that allows movement of pinching.

However, due to its wide range of mobility, the bones that make up the CMC joint should give some stability, similar to the shoulder joint. For this reason, the ligaments around the joint are forced to bear most of the burden of stabilizing the thumb when using the hand, and if they are unable to do so effectively, then the aberrant movement in joint over time can contribute to the arthritis.

The bones of the body at the articular surfaces are coated with cartilage, slippery coating which allows for smooth movement of the joints. Arthritis is an inflammation and possible wear of cartilage, creating rougher surfaces and painful movement. In my practice, arthritis of the thumb is a common phenomenon with a simple diagnosis. Palpation of the joint as the patient moves the thumb often reveal the typical grinding sensation as if the joint surfaces were lined with sandpaper. It may also be known as crepitus name squeaking sound. I can also order an X-ray to confirm the extent of arthritis and identify options most effective treatment. Other tests such as CT or MRI are usually unnecessary.


In the early stages of the evolution of the disease, this type of arthritis is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. This is often successful for months, even years, allowing the individual to fully use the hand at home and at work. thumb splint may also be advantageous because it allows the thumb to rest in a neutral position where the mechanical stress is at a minimum, which in turn can regulate inflammation.

However, arthritis is usually a progressive disease and because the thumb is used so often and vigorously, the disease often progresses despite these measures. As the more conservative treatments fail to provide adequate relief, I will try to reduce joint inflammation with one or more injections of cortisone to the affected joint.

In the later stages of arthritis, according to increasingly hand is lost, surgical reconstruction is often the best way to proceed. Part of the diseased joint is removed and reconstructed using a tendon graft from another part of your body. After surgery, you will need to wear a splint for several weeks to allow the surgical repair to strengthen. If your profession depends on heavy use of your hands, then you may have no work during this time if you are not able to find a job as a restricted service. It is important to consider in your overall planning before surgery. After removal of the splint, occupational or physical therapist with a specialty in rehabilitation of the hand will be prescribed. This will help you regain strength and movement, and allow you to make full use of the thumb and hand .......

The six main types of arthritis

The six main types of arthritis

Arthritis or rheumatism as it is often called by the lay public , means many things to different people. Essentially, it is inflammation in a joint or several joint resulting in pain , stiffness and swelling . It can be the result of several causes and is not one single state. It can affect one or more joints simultaneously joint in the body. It may just produce a slight temporary discomfort or severe pain that worsens over a period of time resulting in disability or infirmity .

So common is arthritis that up to 2 5 percent of all consultations with family physicians consist of discussions rheumatic complaints of a patient. There has been a huge increase in awareness of the widespread conditions that may influence the onset and progression of rheumatic diseases , and at the same time there has been a huge increase in the number and complexity of diagnostic procedures and therapeutic can be used to treat these conditions. Unfortunately, the technology more sophisticated and accurate has not always been accompanied by an increase in sympathetic attitudes or practice helps physicians .

Much research continues to find stronger and more powerful drugs to fight against arthritis, which can produce serious side effects, but little thought has been given to the underlying causes . Even the most common drugs used to treat the symptoms rather than correct the underlying problem . However , rheumatoid arthritis , for example, is a relatively modern disease . As a condition causing joint deformity sometimes rude and very obvious, it has never been found in Egyptian mummies and skeletons it has not been represented in the paintings of the great masters of the Renaissance. In fact , rheumatoid arthritis typically only began to emerge in the early twentieth century. This suggests that some new environmental factor may have arisen , which has boosted its appearance at this time . This may be a micro -organism , but it could be due to our diet change or new substances that surround us in our immediate environment. Since so little is known about the underlying causes of various forms of arthritis , orthodox doctors should be less dismissive of most useful work to explore some of the newest and most controversial treatments.

There are many different types of arthritis , but all those in general practice and hospital following are among the most common .

Post-traumatic arthritis

This is the result of an injury to a joint. It is more common in older people who stumble and fall , as is the case of younger patients who have different sports as a leisure activity . A joint can be sprained causing damage to the ligaments around it, or capsule that binds , it can be dislocated joints where bone ends are disrupted from their normal position so that they can not function properly, or it may even be a fracture through the joint which causes bleeding into the joint space and the likelihood of secondary arthritis in later years.


Commonly known as degenerative name or " wear and tear" arthritis, this type of arthritis is extremely common in the elderly or those who have had operations , or serious injury to their joints injuries. Other factors such as metabolic diseases or infections may be responsible , and certainly there is a strong genetic component that may make some people more vulnerable families.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is the most serious form of inflammatory arthritis and is the result of an autoimmune disease. Here , the immune system for some reason recognizes foreign somehow joints, and produces antibodies that act against the joints themselves and their surrounding soft tissue damage . From the early Middle Ages , especially among women , the small joints of the wrists , ankles, hands and shoulders become extremely painful , swollen and stiff. The disorder can come and go in failures and remissions , but more often than not, it is a gradual evolution , which leads to a degree of disability and restriction of movement.

Still's disease

It is a form of rheumatoid arthritis in children mainly under the age of 4 . It is also known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Although this rule generally downward after a number of years (as opposed to rheumatoid arthritis in adults) , it can still leave a child with growth retardation and irreversible joint deformities that may threaten their quality of life .

Inefficient arthritis

When bacteria are present in the articulation of an infected wound or blood circulation, a tank or ineffective arthritis occured. In general, joints are red , warm and swollen and painful . This type of arthritis can be the result of viral infections such as rubella and chickenpox, but can also be associated with rheumatic fever, and certain sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and non-specific urethritis .


This disorder is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This is one of the waste products of the body and when it accumulates in the joints , it forms tiny crystals that irritate the lining of the mechanically sensitive producing intense pain , swelling and redness. Usually , it only affects a joint at a time , in particular severe joint at the base of the big toe .

Why arthritis is common in women

Why arthritis is common in women

Recent statistics on arthritis in women

Women with arthritis report more sleep problems than women with other chronic diseases in all age groups and people with arthritis in older age groups.
Women with arthritis are less likely than women with other chronic health problems of young children .
Women with arthritis have higher than women who do not or other chronic illness , as well as men depression rates .
Women with arthritis are more likely to need help with daily activities and more likely to be unemployed than men with women with arthritis or other chronic diseases.
Nearly two-thirds of those who get the disease are women and it is estimated that 41 million Americans .
Arthritis affects about 37 percent of the female population and 28 percent of men .
Arthritis limits everyday activities of some 4.6 million women.
Some 16 million women are currently affected by osteoarthritis , a disease that affects women almost three times more often than men. To make matters worse , women tend to develop the disease at a younger age.
Sixty- five percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( 1.5 million) are women.
Ninety percent of those who have either lupus or fibromyalgia are women.
Twice as many girls as boys develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
African-American women are especially at risk for arthritis. There is a higher rate of arthritis reported among African- American women after age 35 than among white women and young African-American women are three times more likely to develop lupus than their counterparts in race white .
Women with arthritis experience more pain and long-term disability than those who do not have the disease .
Why women are more affected by arthritis ?

Although there is no clear and universally acceptable reason why arthritis is more common in women than men , the following factors have been proposed :

Autoimmune diseases ( including arthritis ) are often more common in women .
Women are more strongly and greatly influenced by hormones ( during puberty and menopause ) , which in some types of arthritis, have a key role in causing the disease.
Women generally tend to have lower rates of exercise and physical activity (compared to men). This immobility is also considered one of the risk factors for arthritis.
Women have more fat deposition in and around the body tissues which can lead to stagnation and the deposition of high cholesterol , another risk factor for certain types of arthritis .

Therefore, based on the above statistics , "arthritis" seems clearly to have special likeness for women. The good news , however, is that in many cases ( whether women or men) , arthritis can be managed. It may take some time and effort to find the right treatment (s ) for your particular version of the disease, but the answers are there .

Drugs and surgery are not the only part of the answer.

Following a diet fight arthritis , exercise, using joint protection techniques , stress management , anger and depression, organizing your life and use a safe dietary supplement , based plants as Provailen can provide pain relief and a new lease on life.

Similarly, the world of homeopathy , hands on healing, and other alternative medicine treatments can offer additional ammunition in the fight against arthritis pain and other symptoms . Provailen about when you 're in pain , your joints are hot and swollen , and you can barely walk from one end of the house to another, you want relief now . In many cases , the best way to relieve the symptoms of arthritis is taking medication , usually an analgesic or pain .

However, the problem with painkillers is that they only provide quick relief , but " short and temporary ." They do not address other key issues such as arthritis joint stiffness and inflammation.

Meaning of arthritis

Meaning of arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis , known as Still's disease of when it affects a person , it is a situation that causes inflammation of the joints of the body and associated distress , inflammation and stiffness. It causes own defense mechanisms of the body to attack the combined tissues , destruction of collagen, fibrous cartilage and sometimes bone or other organs. This serious disease varies among individuals and changes over time , often marked by signs that improve only to reappear later. In some cases , rheumatoid arthritis is mild and still only a few months ( this kind of rheumatoid arthritis is known as type 1), while in others, the disease becomes progressively complicated by other health problems, a duration of many years ( disability and this is known as rheumatoid arthritis type 2 ) .

This disease most often affects the wrist and public areas closest hand fingers , but can also affect the joints in the body. Anyone can suffer from this, but women are more likely to develop signs, which usually begin between the ages of twenty and forty. The causes of joint stiffness are not yet known , but many effective strategies are now available to manage the symptoms.


The main symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is morning stiffness , often in the arms or legs. Symptoms include stiffness that continues for an hour or more , or inflammation and discomfort that lasts more than six weeks. Rheumatoid arthritis is usually shaped , ie the two arms hurt or feel stiff, not just one. Early stage patients may suffer from fever crisis and excessive fatigue, or small bumps called " nodules " felt under the skin. Other possible symptoms include anemia , loss of appetite, and accumulated in the ankles or behind the knee fluid. In children , signs may include chills and shaking a pink rash may follow the painful and inflamed joints.

Why rheumatoid arthritis is harmful :

It is not identified if there is a relationship between pain and fibrous destruction. Cartilage itself does not cause irritation because there are no nerve fiber structures for discomfort alerts. Most likely, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and the combined discomfort is due to the distress of other tissues in and around the towns affected areas . This discomfort is due to chemical messengers , such as E2 . No non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs ) reduce discomfort because they inhibit the production of prostaglandins .

Other scenarios that can cause pain :

The pain and stiffness can occur due to many other facts. Something hammertoes the serious depletion syndrome can cause pain only a medical professional can determine the real cause of the pain, because similar symptoms may developed other problems such as cancer, or many other types of joint pain.

The possible basis of rheumatoid arthritis :

The causes of the disease are not fully identified, but those essential factors play a vital role are some known and identified and helped to understand measurement . The distribution of its own reactions of the defense mechanism of the body due to genetic predisposition and environmental influences is a good cause for rheumatoid arthritis . Change androgenic hormone or testosterone may also play an important role in the development of this disease. More than one gene is responsible for the risk for the disease . Specific genes can increase the risk of arthritis , a person , it may as well take advantage of the gravity of his situation . However, since not all people with inherited temperament rheumatoid arthritis have disease , other aspects which might be essential to analyze.

A specific scientific training has not yet been found or established, but some studies suggest that contamination by a virus or bacteria leads to the disease in genetically predisposed patients . This does not mean that the disease is transmitted . Those with rheumatoid arthritis seem to have more antibodies in the synovial fluid in their common areas , suggesting that there is an infection .

Low levels of androgens or testosterone hormone of the adrenal gland are common in patients with rheumatoid arthritis , but how testosterone interact with the environment and genetic data is not identified. Hormonal changes also cause rheumatoid arthritis.

Causes and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee

Causes and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee

Our knee joint is where the femur and tibia match. This unique combination allows for greater freedom of movement for the knee in undisturbed conditions . However, due to some complications such as injuries , the surface of the knee joint is damaged and mobility is hampered thereafter. There are basically three types of arthritis affecting the knee osteoarthritis , rheumatoid arthritis and post- traumatic arthritis . In this article, we will examine the causes and symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.


We must first understand the differences between the three types of knee arthritis . Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis of the knee is a degenerative disease that is often accompanied by aging. Due to the wear of the articular cartilage starts to fade and that causes pain and inflammation when rubbing against the other knee . On the other hand , unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks the town . Rheumatoid arthritis can happen to anyone of any age group. Last but not least is the posttraumatic which is essentially caused by direct trauma to the knee arthritis. This direct trauma causes damage to the cartilage and alters common mechanisms , accelerating wear.



Pain is the way of telling you that something is somewhere in your body is wrong in the body. The pain is due to the secretion of chemical signals in your brain which are then recognized as pain. Knee arthritis causes inflammation of the affected joint. This inflammation causes swelling and damage to the surrounding soft tissues. In an attempt to reduce stress on the injured party, the surrounding muscles will try to overload but it will cause muscle soreness after a period of time, which contributes to the pain .


Crepitus is characterized by a feeling of cracking and grinding when you try to move your injured spouse. This is due to cartilage wears in the spaces between the joints of the knee. Crepitus may be painful or painless depending on individual conditions.

knee yield

Some patients may experience feelings of their knee giving . This is due to the joint is unstable and the surrounding muscles are tired of having to take over the functions of the injured joint . Some patients may require aids such as a walker or crutches and can be used to stabilize the knee and provide support to the knee joint .

There are different methods of managing arthritis from oral supplements surgery. However, they do not effectively cure the patient. Scientists are looking at cartilage grafts in the future which could reduce the amount of pain .

Elbow and shoulder arthritis

Elbow and shoulder arthritis

Many patients ask, " What is arthritis " For joints , arthritis means " joint inflammation " In the case of the elbow, where the cartilage surface of the elbow is worn or damaged . . age , arthritis of the elbow occurs. If you have arthritis of the elbow , you probably have pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of normal range of motion. Some people complain of a " lock " or " network effect" in the joint.

These sensations are related to the loss of the normal articular surface and smooth when loose pieces of bone or cartilage located between the articular surfaces which interferes with normal movement. Often , my patients may experience numbness of the ring and little finger. This is due to the pressure on the ulnar nerve or funny bone swelling.

How elbow arthritis is diagnosed?

A doctor can diagnose arthritis of the elbow depending on your symptoms , a simple physical examination and radiographs . This disease tends to be more common in men than in women, and it usually occurs in people over 50 years. You are an increased risk for arthritis of the elbow if you have an injury to the elbow history , inflammatory arthritis , or a family history of arthritis risk. Others at risk for arthritis of the elbow include people who have a job or participate in activities that place demands on the elbow , like professional baseball pitchers .

How is treated arthritis of the elbow ?

Typically , an orthopedic specialist will treat arthritis of the elbow primarily based on your symptoms. Factors to consider include the stage of the disease , the patient's goals , and your general state of health and physical health. Non-surgical treatment of arthritis of the elbow involves measures to mitigate or reduce pain, increase range of motion , and restore function . This includes physical therapy, restrictions and activity limitations, and anti -inflammatory drugs or oral pain. If these conservative measures do not work, many patients receive injections of corticosteroids , which can give relief for several months and can be therapeutic and diagnostic time.

Surgery may be necessary if non-surgical measures do not control and relieve symptoms . If the damage is not too severe, your doctor may make minimally invasive procedures and even arthroscopy to remove foreign bodies , degenerative , inflammatory tissue of the joint. This smoothes irregular articular surfaces and provides relief from symptoms. If the joint space is used , your doctor may suggest a replacement for you.

Arthritis shoulder

The shoulder is formed by two joints. One of them is the acromioclavicular (AC ) joint , located where the collarbone ( clavicle ) meets the tip of the shoulder blade ( acromion ) . The other is located at the junction of the upper arm bone ( humerus ) and the scapula ( shoulder blade ) , and it is called the glenohumeral joint . Both shoulder joints are often affected by arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis of the shoulder are pain , stiffness , reduced or limited range of motion and crackling . Crepitus is a "click " or " snap " is the movement of the shoulder .

How is arthritis of the shoulder diagnosed?

Arthritis of the shoulder is diagnosed on the basis of a thorough physical examination , symptoms and basic x-rays. Most people with arthritis of the shoulder have a narrowing of the joint space , the formation of bone spurs , and changes in bone structure. People over age 50 are at increased risk of arthritis of the shoulder risk. In addition , a history of an injury to your shoulder joint puts you at risk of developing this condition .

How is arthritis of the shoulder treated?

The orthopedic specialist will treat arthritis of the shoulder depending on the severity of the disease , the health and general health, activity level and job responsibilities , and history . Nonsurgical measures include oral medications , physical therapy , and activity restrictions and limitations . Patients who do not respond to these methods may have an injection of hyaluronic acid or corticosteroids. When the joint is severely damaged or worn , or if the patient does not improve with conservative measures , the glenohumeral joint can be replaced by a prosthesis in a procedure known as total shoulder arthroplasty .

If necessary, the head of the humerus is replaced . For arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint , resection arthroplasty can help . This is done by taking to make way for a move a small piece of bone of his collarbone .

Read the blog of Dr. Ruhlman to get more information about the shoulder joint , wrist and hand conditions like carpal tunnel. You can contact him for an appointment with him.