

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Why arthritis is common in women

Why arthritis is common in women

Recent statistics on arthritis in women

Women with arthritis report more sleep problems than women with other chronic diseases in all age groups and people with arthritis in older age groups.
Women with arthritis are less likely than women with other chronic health problems of young children .
Women with arthritis have higher than women who do not or other chronic illness , as well as men depression rates .
Women with arthritis are more likely to need help with daily activities and more likely to be unemployed than men with women with arthritis or other chronic diseases.
Nearly two-thirds of those who get the disease are women and it is estimated that 41 million Americans .
Arthritis affects about 37 percent of the female population and 28 percent of men .
Arthritis limits everyday activities of some 4.6 million women.
Some 16 million women are currently affected by osteoarthritis , a disease that affects women almost three times more often than men. To make matters worse , women tend to develop the disease at a younger age.
Sixty- five percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( 1.5 million) are women.
Ninety percent of those who have either lupus or fibromyalgia are women.
Twice as many girls as boys develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
African-American women are especially at risk for arthritis. There is a higher rate of arthritis reported among African- American women after age 35 than among white women and young African-American women are three times more likely to develop lupus than their counterparts in race white .
Women with arthritis experience more pain and long-term disability than those who do not have the disease .
Why women are more affected by arthritis ?

Although there is no clear and universally acceptable reason why arthritis is more common in women than men , the following factors have been proposed :

Autoimmune diseases ( including arthritis ) are often more common in women .
Women are more strongly and greatly influenced by hormones ( during puberty and menopause ) , which in some types of arthritis, have a key role in causing the disease.
Women generally tend to have lower rates of exercise and physical activity (compared to men). This immobility is also considered one of the risk factors for arthritis.
Women have more fat deposition in and around the body tissues which can lead to stagnation and the deposition of high cholesterol , another risk factor for certain types of arthritis .

Therefore, based on the above statistics , "arthritis" seems clearly to have special likeness for women. The good news , however, is that in many cases ( whether women or men) , arthritis can be managed. It may take some time and effort to find the right treatment (s ) for your particular version of the disease, but the answers are there .

Drugs and surgery are not the only part of the answer.

Following a diet fight arthritis , exercise, using joint protection techniques , stress management , anger and depression, organizing your life and use a safe dietary supplement , based plants as Provailen can provide pain relief and a new lease on life.

Similarly, the world of homeopathy , hands on healing, and other alternative medicine treatments can offer additional ammunition in the fight against arthritis pain and other symptoms . Provailen about when you 're in pain , your joints are hot and swollen , and you can barely walk from one end of the house to another, you want relief now . In many cases , the best way to relieve the symptoms of arthritis is taking medication , usually an analgesic or pain .

However, the problem with painkillers is that they only provide quick relief , but " short and temporary ." They do not address other key issues such as arthritis joint stiffness and inflammation.

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