

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Meaning of arthritis

Meaning of arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis , known as Still's disease of when it affects a person , it is a situation that causes inflammation of the joints of the body and associated distress , inflammation and stiffness. It causes own defense mechanisms of the body to attack the combined tissues , destruction of collagen, fibrous cartilage and sometimes bone or other organs. This serious disease varies among individuals and changes over time , often marked by signs that improve only to reappear later. In some cases , rheumatoid arthritis is mild and still only a few months ( this kind of rheumatoid arthritis is known as type 1), while in others, the disease becomes progressively complicated by other health problems, a duration of many years ( disability and this is known as rheumatoid arthritis type 2 ) .

This disease most often affects the wrist and public areas closest hand fingers , but can also affect the joints in the body. Anyone can suffer from this, but women are more likely to develop signs, which usually begin between the ages of twenty and forty. The causes of joint stiffness are not yet known , but many effective strategies are now available to manage the symptoms.


The main symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is morning stiffness , often in the arms or legs. Symptoms include stiffness that continues for an hour or more , or inflammation and discomfort that lasts more than six weeks. Rheumatoid arthritis is usually shaped , ie the two arms hurt or feel stiff, not just one. Early stage patients may suffer from fever crisis and excessive fatigue, or small bumps called " nodules " felt under the skin. Other possible symptoms include anemia , loss of appetite, and accumulated in the ankles or behind the knee fluid. In children , signs may include chills and shaking a pink rash may follow the painful and inflamed joints.

Why rheumatoid arthritis is harmful :

It is not identified if there is a relationship between pain and fibrous destruction. Cartilage itself does not cause irritation because there are no nerve fiber structures for discomfort alerts. Most likely, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and the combined discomfort is due to the distress of other tissues in and around the towns affected areas . This discomfort is due to chemical messengers , such as E2 . No non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs ) reduce discomfort because they inhibit the production of prostaglandins .

Other scenarios that can cause pain :

The pain and stiffness can occur due to many other facts. Something hammertoes the serious depletion syndrome can cause pain only a medical professional can determine the real cause of the pain, because similar symptoms may developed other problems such as cancer, or many other types of joint pain.

The possible basis of rheumatoid arthritis :

The causes of the disease are not fully identified, but those essential factors play a vital role are some known and identified and helped to understand measurement . The distribution of its own reactions of the defense mechanism of the body due to genetic predisposition and environmental influences is a good cause for rheumatoid arthritis . Change androgenic hormone or testosterone may also play an important role in the development of this disease. More than one gene is responsible for the risk for the disease . Specific genes can increase the risk of arthritis , a person , it may as well take advantage of the gravity of his situation . However, since not all people with inherited temperament rheumatoid arthritis have disease , other aspects which might be essential to analyze.

A specific scientific training has not yet been found or established, but some studies suggest that contamination by a virus or bacteria leads to the disease in genetically predisposed patients . This does not mean that the disease is transmitted . Those with rheumatoid arthritis seem to have more antibodies in the synovial fluid in their common areas , suggesting that there is an infection .

Low levels of androgens or testosterone hormone of the adrenal gland are common in patients with rheumatoid arthritis , but how testosterone interact with the environment and genetic data is not identified. Hormonal changes also cause rheumatoid arthritis.

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