

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Arthritis Hands - The three different types of the disease

Arthritis Hands - The three different types of the disease

Arthritis of the hand is one of the most common forms of arthritis. Because the hand contains many joints, the risk of developing arthritis of the hands is higher than in other parts of the body. It is composed of two bones on each forearm, and nineteen bones of the hand still out eight small bones.

The most common types of arthritis of the hands are: post-traumatic (arthritis that occurs as a result of someone having an accident), rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The post-traumatic arthritis of hands

Post-traumatic is usually associated with pain control is passed by any pressure that caused the inflammation. This usually disappears after a while the swelling subsides, although in some cases where the injury was serious therapy or even hand surgery may be necessary.


Osteoarthritis of the hand is another type that is more likely to occur than the old approach. People 40 and older are the most frequent victims of osteoarthritis of the hand. Some studies suggest that low levels of vitamin K as a probable cause of osteoarthritis.

It is a degenerative disease, and years after diagnosis, it can often distort the movement more difficult to hand doing simple tasks using the most complicated hand.

The carpal-metacarpal joint called, found in the thumb is often the part of people with arthritic hands complain of. Small bones between each finger with cartilage covering the bone become irregular.


Another type of arthritis of the hands is the most complex rheumatoid arthritis. Here, the synovial tissues of the bone affect the hand which is enclosed by a cartilage. Inflammation in the tissue that normally prevents movement of fluid from the joint.

Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the hand usually also support arthritis in different parts of the body. Such as osteoarthritis, it is also more common for older people that just joined the effort accumulated over the years.

Fingers and wrist are common victims of this pain. crack the tendon can also be raised after a certain time to live with the symptoms. This can also distort your hand if inflammation spreads through the ligaments around the fabric.

Rheumatoid arthritis differs between patients. Others suffer from that for short periods of time and then lose all the symptoms completely, while others go through the pain following infinity with pain flaring at once. Then develop in some permanent damage that still hampers.

The symptoms of joint pain hands

Throbbing pain in the hand is the first symptom of arthritis of the hand. The swelling is also an accompaniment travel difficult. Mundane tasks such as grabbing or pinching becomes difficult. A squealing noise may also be noticed and deformed hand becomes apparent.

A thorough evaluation by an orthopedic doctor who will assess the severity of the hand should be established. The doctor usually subjects the patient to an x-ray and a blood test if the pain is obvious.

Possible for arthritis hands Remedies

There is no single cure for arthritis of the hand that could eventually eliminate the disease and prevent it from recurring. The most common solution is painkillers prescribed by doctors to relieve the patient's suffering. There are those who must take anti-inflammatory drugs are often already present in these painkillers. Steroids taken orally can also be another form while others require injections corticortisone the area affected by arthritis.

There are also specialists called rheumatologists can monitor your medication and therapy to give you instructions on proper management of your arthritis. This could be great because it can not respond directly to what drugs or exercise your arthritis pain is more comfortable.

Another way to treat arthritis is surgery. This is recommended for those suffering from an advanced stage of arthritis. There are different types of surgery for different types of arthritic problems.

hand surgeons fix cracks tendon graft or tendon transfer to the damaged area. Synovial membrane extraction, synthesis, replacement can be made. In extreme cases bone removal may be necessary. This just goes to show that arthritis of the hands is a serious disease, so if you think you may have, you should take action as soon as possible.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Arthritis It provides more information on topics such as hand arthritis [], the finger on the trigger [arthritis http://www.arthritis- finger.html] and arthritis in the thumb [] that you can research on his website even while lounging in your living room .......

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